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Let's Fish Ontario!

graphic for Fisheries Management Zones

link to Atlantic salmon page

Urban Fishing





Survey – We Want to Hear from You!



The 2008-2009 Fishing Regulations Summary is now available for download, in PDF format, on the MNR Publications page.

The 2008-2009 Fishing Regulations Summary goes into effect on January 1, 2008.


UPDATE December 31, 2007: Review these Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the changes to Ontario fishing regualtions.

UPDATE December 27, 2007: Minor changes have been made to the 2008-2009 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary. Anglers may wish to insert this page of changes into their copy of the summary.



Be sure to check:

Modified January 11, 2008
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2008