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Youth Programs


Are you looking for an exciting job opportunity? Perhaps you are looking to work outdoors or in a Provincial Park, develop policy, work in research and development, information technology, or in office administration. The Ministry of Natural Resources provides over 2000 jobs for youth and new professionals each year through nine youth employment programs. Check out the many different opportunities the ministry has to offer and come experience a great place to work.

Youth Employment in Natural Resources

If you have ever camped in a Provincial Park, spent time fishing with a friend, admired a forest landscape in autumn or watched ducks fly overhead, you have experienced what makes Ontario a great place to live.

Now, what if we told you that Ontario 's natural environment needs your help and you can make a difference! Come join the Ministry of Natural Resources and help protect our forests, wetlands, fish, wildlife and natural spaces for future generations.

Our youth employment programs can give you so much more than just a paycheck. They provide valuable on-the-job training, learning and work experience to help you break the "no experience, no job" cycle. It is an opportunity to learn about the Ontario Public Service, meet new people and give you a feeling that you made a difference by contributing to the environment.

When will jobs be available?

The Ministry of Natural Resources has many exciting job opportunities for students and recent graduates. Hiring for each program happens at different times throughout the year as follows:

Ontario Ranger Program - Now accepting applications for 2008. Application deadline is March 28, 2008 (the last Friday in March each year).

Ontario Stewardship Ranger Program - Check back in March 2008 for a complete listing of team locations for 2008.

Summer Experience Program - Check back in March 2008 for a complete listing of positions for 2008.

MNR Internship Program - Posting of positions can occur at any time throughout the year. For 2008 positions, please check back often throughout the year starting November 2007.

MNR Post-secondary Co-op – These positions are posted at participating Colleges and Universities between April and August each year.

Ontario-Quebec Exchange Program – Application forms will be available between December 2007 and January 2008 for the 2008 summer positions. Please visit Youth and New Professionals Ontario-Quebec Summer Student Job Exchange Program for the application form.

Ontario Internship Program – Status - Applications for the 2008 Ontario Internship Program will be accepted between January 2 and January 30, 2008 at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time. Applications will be available starting January 2, 2008.

Check these job postings often, especially near the program launch dates mentioned above. Check out the OPS Careers website for job opportunities in other Ontario government offices.

Don't Forget!

You must have a Social Insurance Number and a copy of your Birth Certificate to work for the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Social Insurance and Birth Certificate Information

Modified Feb-19-2008
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006