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Boat patrol on the Great Lakes / Conservation Officer in dress uniform / 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667)

You can help stop resource abuse. Report a violation. (picture: abandoned fish left to spoil)

It is illegal to abandon fish and game or allow it to spoil.


Our Mission: To safeguard the public interest by leading and delivering professional regulatory protection of Ontario's natural resources.

Welcome to Enforcement

For more than 100 years, Conservation Officers have been protecting Ontario's natural resources from waste, abuse and depletion. It's a big job with a rich history.

Ontario's Conservation Officers patrol a province of more than 1 million square kilometers, protecting wildlife as diverse as polar bears in the north and prickly pear cactus in south. In between are 250,000 lakes, hundreds of rivers and a vast expanse of forests.

Enforcement staff includes: Appointed Conservation Officers and Supervisors working across Ontario in field offices in 25 districts and 3 Great Lakes Units, intelligence/investigation staff, main office staff and Provincial Communications Unit staff.

Enforcement efforts cover all MNR program areas including; Fish and Wildlife, Forestry, Lands/Waters, Species at Risk, Petroleum, Parks, Agriculture, Fire and Aggregates.

The Enforcement Branch also maintains specialized units and services that support field enforcement: Canine Program, Special Investigative Services and a Training Program.

The overall compliance rate for major pieces of MNR statutes is approximately 93.4%.

Risk-based Approach to Compliance

The Ministry is moving towards a formalized risk-based approach to compliance.

  • The new compliance framework will be based on risk assessment principles that will enable the MNR to focus its work and response to incidents on the risk posed to
    • human health and safety
    • our natural resources and
    • the economy
  • The risk-based compliance framework will enable the Ministry to focus their enforcement resources on the area of greatest risk.  These will include;
    • Focusing proactive work on areas of highest risk
    • Prioritizing incident/complaint response based on risk
    • Prioritizing resources for special investigations based on risk

The mandate of the Enforcement Branch is to provide effective regulatory protection of Ontario's natural resources, environment and public safety. MNR enforces 27 Acts and Regulations and administers 45 Acts and Regulations.

TOP PHOTO: Boat patrol on the Great Lakes / Conservation Officer in dress uniform


Conservation Officer Badge Conservation Officer Badge


Ontario Conservation Officers will be actively checking anglers for illegal bait. It is illegal to possess or use invasive species such as goby and ruffe as bait. Visit the Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) webpage to learn more.

Looking for information on how to report a known or suspected resource violation?

Thinking about a career as a Conservation Officer?

Got a question about fishing or hunting in Ontario?

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© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2007