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Protect Your Forest! Don’t Move Wood!

Invasive insects and diseases are seriously affecting Ontario's forests. Millions of ash trees are dead or dying in the United States and Canada due to emerald ash borer, an invasive (non-native) insect. Over 15,000 hardwood trees have been removed in the Toronto and Vaughan area to control Asian longhorned beetle, another invasive insect.

You can help to control these and other invasive insects and diseases by limiting the movement of firewood. Firewood may contain insect pests and plant diseases that could easily spread to other locations. The best way to protect your forest is to use firewood from the area where you plan to burn it.

Left: Emerald Ash Borer / Right: Asian Longhorned Beetle

Emerald ash borer (EAB) continues to be the invasive insect of greatest concern in Ontario. In southwestern Ontario, Essex, Chatham-Kent, Lambton and Elgin Counties are under quarantine to control the spread of EAB. Trees were recently found infested in the City of London and new quarantine areas have been established. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) strictly controls the movement of firewood from these and other regulated areas in Canada. Firewood from anywhere in the United States is not permitted into Canada without a permit from the CFIA. Other areas in Ontario may be under quarantine to restrict the movement of wood or other forest material such as plants or soil. Check with your local CFIA office prior to moving firewood of any tree species.

The most responsible behaviour is to limit the movement of firewood. The CFIA can advise you on the most recent quarantine locations where firewood movement is restricted. The CFIA can be reached at 1-866-463-6017, or 519-776-5483. You can also visit their website: www.inspection.gc.ca. For more information on invasive insects and diseases affecting Ontario's forests, visit www.ontariosforests.gov.on.ca or contact your local OMNR office.

Help control the spread of invasive species. Don’t move wood!

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© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006
Modified: November 29, 2006