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Want to play games and puzzles?

Image of board games at the Premier's Kid ZoneFun ways to learn more about Ontario at the Premier’s Kid Zone
Image of games and puzzles at TVO KidsGames and puzzles at TVO Kids.
Image of Pause to PlayGreat ideas for keeping active at Pause to Play. And you can also download posters and pictures about sports.

Need help? Got a problem or a question?

Kids' Help Phone imageAre you sad, worried or upset? Talk to someone who can help at Kids’ Help Phone
Image of a smiling computerWorried about staying safe on the Internet? Learn more at

Thinking about your future?

Image of handsGet ready for high school
Image of a person smilingLearn about jobs you could do when you grow up -- see Career Matters.

Learn more

Image of kid sitting down on a couchAbout our Earth -- E-Zone
Image of multicultural kidsAbout being a friend -- Equality Rules
Image of a cartoon girl smiling and healthyAbout growing up healthy -- About Kids’ Health -- Just for Kids