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If you work with children and youth, you may want to bookmark this page. Here you will find links to the information of most interest to you.

See our most recent announcements.

College of Early Childhood Educators
This new College is the first regulatory college for early childhood educators (ECEs) in Canada.

Best Start
Programs, resources

Ontario Early Years Centres
Your nearest centre can help you find local services for families with young children.

Planning and Design Guidelines for Child Care Centres

NEW Services for children who are blind or have low vision

Child well-being and protection
Programs, resources

Putting children and youth first
The government is strengthening Ontario's child protection system to help promote the best interests of vulnerable children and youth.

Careers in child welfare
Working for a children's aid society -- Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies.

Reporting child abuse and neglect
Find out what you need to do.

The Child and Youth Advocate
See the website of the Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth.

Special needs
Programs, resources

Autism Employment Opportunities
Help a child with autism discover the world.

Grant Assistance Program for Autism Intervention Program Professionals

Mental health
Career opportunities, news -- Children's Mental Health Ontario.

Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health
See information about grants and awards.

Ontario Child Benefit
Information, resources


If you work with teenagers, you'll want to visit

Youth Opportunities Strategy
Helping more young people reach their potential is the goal of Ontario's Youth Opportunities Strategy.

Youth and the law -- Programs, resources

Northern Ontario

Northern Ontario Grant Assistance Program
Ontario needs social service and rehabilitation professionals like you to work in its northern communities.

Integrated Services for Northern Children
Children and youth living in rural and remote areas across northern Ontario can get access to a range of health, mental health and education services.

Aboriginal children and youth

Programs, resources

About the ministry

About the Ministry of Children and Youth Services

Ministry resources -- directories, maps, publications

Consider This!
A resource for Boards of Directors of ministry-funded community agencies.

Learn more
Licensed Child Care
Search for a child care location
Ontario Child Benefit
Program to help low-income families
Best Start
Helping kids get the best start in life
Ontario Early Years Centres 1
Look for services in your community