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February 11, 2008

Summer Jobs For Youth In Windsor

McGuinty Government Providing Work Experience In High Needs Neighbourhoods

WINDSOR - About 190 youth from high needs neighbourhoods will get valuable work experience this summer thanks to employment programs funded by the McGuinty government.

"These are more than summer jobs," said Children and Youth Services Minister Deb Matthews. "We're giving these young people opportunities and supports they might not normally have to gain real work experience and contribute to their communities."

"This announcement gives youth in Windsor an opportunity to explore options for their future," said Sandra Pupatello, MPP for Windsor West. "Our government believes that the province's future leaders deserve the chance to see what they can become."

Minister Deb Matthews and Sandra Pupatello, MPP for Windsor West
with participants of the Summer Jobs for Youth program.

Funding of approximately $578,000 is being provided to two job programs:

- Summer Jobs for Youth
This eight-week program will provide young people, ages 15 to 18, with job skills and experience.

- Youth in Policing Initiative
This eight-week program will provide 10 youth, ages 14 to 17, with a chance to work with the Windsor Police Service in a variety of areas, including information technology, forensic identification, community events and traffic safety.

These opportunities are available to youth in Sandwich and City Centre in the west and the Drouillard Road and Forest Glade areas in the east.

Youth in these communities are also benefiting from the services of five Youth Outreach Workers who work year-round as mentors and advocates for hard-to-reach youth. Outreach workers meet youth in the places they hang out to make sure they know about the wide range of programs and services available. Funding of approximately $285,000 supports this program.

In Windsor, the Summer Jobs for Youth program and the Youth Outreach Workers program are coordinated by New Beginnings. For more information about these programs, contact New Beginnings at (519) 971-0973.

"These jobs are giving some of our most vulnerable young people the confidence to pursue their dreams so they can look forward to a brighter future," said Bill Marra, Executive Director of New Beginnings.

These programs are part of a $28.5 million investment over the first three years to provide opportunities for youth in high needs neighbourhoods across the province. The programs are provided in Toronto, Durham, London, Windsor, Hamilton, Ottawa and Thunder Bay.

The Ministry of Children and Youth Services also manages a website - - that helps answer questions about getting a job, health, education, bullying, and getting involved in the community.

Other Ontario government summer employment programs are listed at

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