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About adoption

Sometimes children can't live with their own families. There may be a breakdown within the family, such as a parent's addiction, illness or death. Others aren't ready to take on the job of raising a child.

When this happens, parents may choose to place their children for adoption. This means that another adult becomes the child's legal parent. The child lives with that adult who has the responsibility to care for and raise that child.

In Canada, adoption is regulated by provincial law. This means adoption procedures vary from province to province or territory. For example, adopting a child in Québec is different from adopting a child in Ontario.

If you are thinking about adopting a child, you can consider adopting a child living in Ontario, or a child from another province or country.

Who can adopt in Ontario

If you are 18 years of age and over and a resident of Ontario, you may apply to adopt.

If you are thinking about adopting a child from another country, keep in mind that every country has certain requirements that have to be met. Some countries have restrictions on who can adopt.

Ontario's adoption legislation

In Ontario, adoption is regulated by two pieces of legislation.

The Child and Family Services Act, 1990 regulates the adoption of children who are living in Ontario, as well as children from other provinces or countries whose adoptions are finalized in an Ontario court.

The Intercountry Adoption Act, 1998 sets out the requirements that must be met within Ontario for adoptions that will be finalized in other countries.

These acts protect the rights of everyone involved in an adoption: the child, the child's birth parents and the adoptive parents.

Can adoptees and their birth parents find one another?

See the website of the Ministry of Community and Social Services.

Learn more
Adoption resources -- directories, publications