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Services for children and youth with developmental disabilities
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The Ministry of Community and Social Services funds many services and supports to children and youth with developmental disabilities and their families.

Most services are delivered through community-based agencies.

Services include:

  • respite care (in-home and outside the home)
  • specialized community supports to help children with developmental disabilities live in their communities
  • residential services
Who is eligible for these services?

Services are available to children who have a developmental disability.

What is a developmental disability?

The Child and Family Services Act defines a developmental disability as:

"A condition of mental impairment, present or occurring during a person's formative years that is associated with limitations in adaptive behaviour."

In other words, it's an impairment in cognitive function that arises before adulthood and usually lasts throughout life.

How to apply for these services

It depends on the program. It's best if you contact the Ministry of Community and Social Services regional office nearest you.