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Doing more to help our young people: Youth Opportunities Strategy
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For many young people, growing up today can be tough. Many face challenges like never  before. And many don’t know where to turn for support.

Helping more young people reach their potential is the goal of Ontario’s Youth Opportunities Strategy. It’s a way for them to:

  • work constructively within their communities
  • gain confidence
  • learn new skills
  • work towards a valuable work reference

The ministry is working with community agencies, police and school boards to develop more services and programs for youth in under-serviced areas across the province. These programs help young people overcome their difficulties and reach their full potential.

The strategy has five parts:

Summer Jobs for Youth Program

  • Provides young people who are 15 – 18 years of age with summer jobs so they can get real work experience.

Youth in Policing Initiative

  • Provides opportunities for youth to work with police departments in different areas across Ontario so they can develop skills that could lead to a possible career in policing.

Youth Outreach Worker Program

  • Outreach workers work with hard-to-reach youth to help them get the programs and services they need.

School-based Prevention/Diversion Program

  • Helps high school students 16 - 18 years of age succeed in school and stay out of trouble.

  • A website just for young people where they can find information about all kinds of programs and resources.