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Programs and Services: A-Z Index
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Can’t find what you’re looking for? It’s as easy as A-B-C.

Here’s a list of programs and services from A to Z.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G   H  I  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  Y

• A •

Aboriginal children and youth

Aboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children

Aboriginal Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Child Nutrition Program



American Sign Language (ASL), developmental milestones

Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities program

Autism employment opportunities

Autism, services and programs

• B •

Becoming a parent

Best Start

Blind - Low Vision Early Intervention Program

• C •

Children’s aid societies

Child abuse, reporting

Child abuse and neglect, recognizing the signs of

Child and Family Services Review Board

Child Care:

Children’s Treatment Centres

Contact us

Custody Review Board

• D •

Day care (see child care)

Developmental disabilities

Developmental milestones, American Sign Language (ASL)

Developmental milestones, learning to talk

• E •

Eating healthy, suggestions for healthy meals and snacks

• F •

Financial Help:

Foster care

• G •

Support for grandparents caring for children in need of protection

• H •

Healthy Babies Healthy Children

Healthy eating


Homestudy (adoption)

• I •

Infant Hearing Program

Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI)

International adoption

• L •

Learning to talk: developmental milestones

Licensed child care in Ontario, how to find it

• M •

Mental health services

Ministry of Children and Youth Services

• N •

Newborn screening

News Releases

Northern Ontario Grant Assistance Program


• O •

Ontario Child Benefit

Ontario Early Years Centres

• P •

Planning and Design Guidelines for Child Care Centres

Pregnancy, having a healthy

Preschool Speech and Language Program

Private adoption

• Q •

Quality child care, how to find the right child care

• R •

Rehabilitation services

Reporting child abuse and neglect

Respite programs

• S •

Student Nutrition Program

Special needs

Special Services at Home

Speech and language, development of

• T •

Today’s Child

• U •

Unlicensed child care

• Y •

Youth and the law


Youth Intervention Centres

Youth Opportunities Strategy

Licensed Child Care
Search for a child care location
Ontario Child Benefit
Program to help low-income families
Best Start
Helping kids get the best start in life
Ontario Early Years Centres 1
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