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Location: Ministry Home > About the Ministry > News > Statement to the Ontario Legislature, December 4, 2006

Statement by
The Honourable Donna Cansfield
Minister of Transportation

Proclamation of
Seatbelt Legislation

Legislature Building, Queen's Park, Toronto
December 4, 2006


Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today with an update on one of the most important pieces of legislation passed by the legislature this session.

Our "one person – one seatbelt" Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2006 has been proclaimed into law and will save lives in Ontario in the coming months and years.

Every driver and passenger must wear a seatbelt when travelling on Ontario roads, ending a dangerous practice that had gone on for too long.

Mr. Speaker, it might surprise the Members to know that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death and injury for people aged three to 34. And these deaths and injuries are preventable.

We have a responsibility to make Ontario's roads as safe as possible.

In 1976, Ontario was the first jurisdiction in North America to make wearing seatbelts mandatory. This legislation will help ensure that this province continues to be a leader in road safety.

Since seatbelts were made mandatory, the number of people killed and injured in collisions has steadily dropped.

For every one per cent increase in seatbelt usage, five lives are saved.

I'm heartened that the most recent survey by Transport Canada found that Ontario has the second highest rate of seatbelt use in urban areas in Canada – nearly 93 per cent. That's above the national average of just over 91 per cent.

But, Mr. Speaker, we can and must do more. This government won't rest until everyone who travels on Ontario roads is as safe as they can be.

Mr. Speaker, as this legislative session draws to a close, Honourable Members can be proud of the fact that they have helped make Ontario families safer this holiday season.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.