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      IRP News

Issue 4 - July 2006

Road User Safety Division, Ministry of Transportation
Leaders in road safety and customer service

In this issue:


Repeal of Truck Transportation Act (TTA)

Attention Carriers / Operators applying for:

  1. Permanent / Temporary / Trip / Special Operating Licences issued under the TTA and the Motor Vehicle Transport Act (MVTA)
  2. Competency Certificates
  3. Inter-corporate Exemption Certificates
  4. Bill of Lading Exemption Certificates
  5. Load Brokers Certificate issued under the TTA

On Tuesday November 26, 2002 the Legislature of Ontario passed a bill that eliminates the need for a for-hire Operating Licence, Inter-corporate Exemption Certificate, Bill of Lading Exemption Certificate and Load Brokers Certificate issued under the TTA and/or MVTA. This law became effective on January 1, 2006, to correspond with amendments to the Federal MVTA and the introduction of the Motor Carrier Safety Fitness Certificate Regulations that also come into force on January 1, 2006. These amendments will eliminate the requirement for:

  1. For-hire carriers to hold an operating licence
  2. Competency certificates
  3. Inter-corporate Exemption Certificates
  4. Bill of Lading exemptions
  5. Load Brokers Certificates and holding a Surety Bond (Trust account requirement remains in effect)

Note: There have been no changes to the for-hire bus requirement under the Public Vehicles Act.

For more information, contact:
Carrier Sanctions & Investigations Office
301 St. Paul Street, 3rd Floor
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2R 7R4
Phone: 416-246-7166 or 1-800-387-7736 (in Ontario)

 IRP Plan Rewrite

IRP, Inc., the official organization serving the 59 U.S. and Canadian jurisdictions that are members of the International Registration Plan, is undertaking a major project to rewrite, update and modernize the IRP Plan. This project is extremely important to all IRP jurisdictions and industry members. Recently, Ontario attended the Annual IRP Meeting and much of the emphasis and discussions were placed on the Plan Rewrite.

The 3nd draft of the IRP Plan Rewrite is now available on the IRP, Inc. website: Proposed Ballots 2006*.

We encourage you to review the proposed Plan Rewrite and provide feedback. Since this is such a large undertaking, several meetings have taken place with All Jurisdictions represented to review and comment on the Plan Rewrite. The progress of the Plan Rewrite project can also be viewed on the IRP, Inc.* website.

We are providing you with another opportunity to identify and discuss any areas that you may be concerned with and bring your comments forward to us. We in turn will coordinate all comments from Ontario and assure that they are brought forward to the Plan Rewrite Committee. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the proposed Plan Rewrite, please forward your comments to Jackie Zaffino at by August 31, 2006

Change to Frequency of IRP News

This is to advise all of our readers that the IRP Newsletter will no longer be published quarterly. Beginning July 2006, IRP News will be published bi-annually; January and July of each year.

Check out our Ministry's IRP Website

 Looking for information on IRP? Need to download forms? Look no further than the Ministry's Internet site! The site has recently been updated to ensure that you have the latest IRP information and tools at your fingertips.

In addition to the updated FAQ page, several new sections have been added. This newsletter, IRP News, will be published quarterly and will feature stories on the people and activities of IRP.

Check our website. To download IRP Forms, click on the links at the top of the web page.

IRP News, is published bi-annually by the e-Business Office, Projects & Change Management Branch, Road User Safety Division, Ministry of Transportation. If you have any comments about IRP News, please contact Jackie Zaffino at 416-235-4357,

This Issue of IRP News is also available in Adobe Acrobat PDF version (174 K).
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* External Links Disclaimer

Last Modified: October 24, 2006