Managing Your Diabetes

Welcome to’s Diabetes Self-Management page. Managing diabetes is tricky and you need to find your own special path. With this resource we are hoping to offer you a "toolkit" of resources that helps you not only with the science of best diabetes care but also with the practical day-to-day issues.

Your healthcare provider may have referred this resource to you; however it’s not meant to replace their advice, but rather to complement their services. Use this page to find information on lifestyle change and stress management, flow sheets to track your progress, tools to help your recognize red flags and references to help you gain a better understanding of the medications your healthcare provider has prescribed as part of your treatment program. As well, this page will link you to many of the best resources beyond our site to keep you up to date with the latest diabetes news.


Your physician has prescribed you a medication or medications to manage your diabetes. But your diabetes care should not stop there. Self-care is an important part of diabetes management. Use these tools to help you stay informed and in control of your health.

  • Diabetes Progress Tracker
    Use the Progress Tracker to:
    1. track the major parameters of diabetes care and
    2. as a reference to find helpful books, websites, and other resources to manage your diabetes.
    Take this into your doctor, pharmacist, dietitian, or nurse’s office to show them how you are doing and to incorporate your new numbers and information.
  • Diabetes Self-Care Summary
    Use this self-care sheet to learn how a heart healthy lifestyle including blood pressure, waist measurement and cholesterol monitoring are important to managing your diabetes. Plus, learn the ABCs of diabetes management.
  • Diabetes Toolkit
    There is rarely a ‘one size fits all’ solution for the management of diabetes. This toolkit offers a variety of options. Find the resource, or combination that works for you, whether it’s a targeted worksheet, online support or a great book.
  • Red Flag: Hypoglycemia
    Hypoglycemia (too little sugar) can be a medical emergency. Learn more about the warning signs and what to do if you think you are hypoglycemic.
  • Stress Management Toolkit
    Learn about some of the key concepts in stress management such as automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions, learned optimism, and the power of the basics. Managing upstream issues such as stress is not only critical to how we manage our diabetes but also how we enjoy life.
  • Weight Management Key Points
    Use this brief review to learn more about specific diets, what the science says works in long-term weight management, and practical pearls for starting or maintaining healthy weight management.

Medication for Diabetes

Managing medications can be an important part of managing diabetes. We have tried to go beyond what you would usually receive as a handout and outline effectiveness as well as true side-effect rates. A big part of self-management is understanding why you would take a medication in the first place and, if you do start the drug, what the pros and cons are.

Generic NameBrand Name(s)
ChlorpropamideApo-Chlorpropamide, Novo-Propamide
GliclazideApo-Gliclazide, Diamicron, Gen-Gliclazide, Novo-Gliclazide, Ratio-Glicazide
GlimepirideAmaryl Novo-Glimepiride ratio-Glimepiride Sandoz Glimepiride
GlyburideAlbert, Glyburide, Apo-Glyburide, Diabeta Euglucon, Gen-Glybe, Novo-Glyburide, Nu-Glyburide, PMS-Glyburide, ratio-Glyburide, Riva-Glyburide
InsulinNovoRapid, Lantus, Humalog, Humalog Mix25, Novolinset
MetforminApo-Metformin, CO-Metformin, Gen-Metformin, Glucophage, Glycon, Novo-Metformin, Nu-Metformin, PMS-Metformin, ratio-Metformin, Sandoz, Metformin FC

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