
  • Eating Disorders Many Canadians suffer from eating disorders. Eating disorders have a major impact on the lives of sufferers and their loved ones. Eating disorders can result in serious health problems. We've put together facts on these disorders, how to recognize them, and how to help someone who might be suffering from one.
  • Smoking and Your Teenager Smoking among Ontario teens is at its lowest level since 1977. But 14% of Ontario teenagers in Grades 7 through 12 still say they smoke every day. Find out how to help your teen remain smoke-free without interfering with their need to make their own life decisions.
  • Taking the bite out of Hallowe’en Hallowe’en is a treat for children … but it can be nightmare for teeth! All those sugary treats can cause cavities to form. Now is a great time to talk dental care with everyone in your house.
  • Managing Breast-feeding Issues Do you have questions about managing breast-feeding problems? Learn more about dealing with milk supply, feeding, and breast pain issues, and find out when to call a lactation consultant.
  • Getting Started Breast-feeding Starting to breast-feed your baby? Learn more about the benefits of breast-feeding and what to expect.
  • Vaccination and Your Child - Part 2 Some of the childhood diseases prevented by vaccines are caused by viruses, while others are caused by bacteria. If a child becomes infected with bacteria, treatment with antibiotics normally eliminates the disease. Lately, however, antibiotics that used to work well to treat infections are suddenly no longer working. Find out more about the threat of antibiotic resistance. The dangers of diseases that could have been prevented with vaccines are many times greater than the risks of a serious reaction to the vaccine. But how safe are vaccines?
  • Vaccination and Your Child - Part 1 There is no reason to watch your child suffer from a childhood disease if there is a good way to prevent it. And there are ways to prevent many of the conditions that used to be a common part of growing up. Vaccines have proven their effectiveness against childhood diseases time after time. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  • Bike Safety You may not be Lance Armstrong, riding 150 miles a day in the Tour de France, but there's nothing like getting on your bike and feeling the wind in your face. Cycling is great fun and has countless health benefits. But before you hop onto your two-wheeler, remember: safety comes first!
  • Back to School: A Healthy Start It's September and the back-to-school bell is sounding. As a parent, you want to help your child get off to a good start for the school year. The place to begin is here, where you can find a selection of healthy tips for boosting your pint-sized pupil's physical and emotional well-being.
  • Drug Allergies - Part 3 Drug allergies can be resolved through treatment as well as prevention. Take your drug allergy seriously and learn how to avoid protect yourself, how to treat your drug allergy properly, and when to get medical assistance.
  • Drug Allergies - Part 2 Drug allergic reactions can range from a rash to arthritis or kidney problems. The body's response can affect many organ systems, but the skin is the most frequent system involved. Learn more about drug allergy types and common signs and symptoms.
  • Drug Allergies - Part 1 Sometimes a person's health can be threatened by the very processes that are supposed to protect it. The immune system can overreact to a foreign substance, causing anything from a bit of itching to a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. Allergies can develop to a wide variety of substances - and sometimes they develop to medications. If you have a drug allergy, taking a medication that should make you feel better may result in your feeling much worse.
  • Allergy and Asthma Millions of Canadians suffer from allergies and asthma. When your immune system identifies a normally harmless material as a threat, it can set off symptoms like sniffles, sneezes, rashes, or breathing problems.
  • Cancer: Coping Tips - Part 2 No one should have to go through a diagnosis of cancer alone. Support groups can help you get through cancer - and so can your family. Remember: Cancer doesn't just affect the person diagnosed, it also touches families, friends and loved ones.
  • Cancer: Coping Tips - Part 1 There's no doubt about it: a cancer diagnosis and your therapy affect you in many ways. But the more you know about cancer, the better you'll be able to understand what's happening to your body and the available treatments.
  • Childhood Obesity On weekends and after school, your kids have more time than ever to watch their favourite television shows and play their favourite computer games. But could these sedentary hobbies be putting your child in danger for developing obesity? Read on to learn about the risks of obesity and find out what you can do help your child lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Flu and Cold Develop a battle plan against the flu this year. Know what you will be up against, get the facts on prevention, learn tips for a quick recovery, and find out when it is appropriate to seek further medical attention.
  • Diabetes: Managing Your Condition - Part 1 Diabetes is a serious condition that affects the body's ability to control its blood sugar levels. The good news is that it also responds to your efforts: you can do a lot to combat diabetes by eating right, watching your health, and listening to your doctor.
  • Diabetes: Managing Your Condition - Part 2 Having diabetes certainly doesn't mean giving up enjoying life. Diabetes can be managed with medications as well as with proper diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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