Health Tip: If Your Child Goes to the Hospital


Health Day News
Based on original reporting by HealthDay News

(HealthDay News) - It can be a frightening experience for anyone to go to the hospital, particularly for a young child.

Here are suggestions on how to prepare your child for a hospital stay, courtesy of Children's Hospital Boston:

  • Before you go, explain to your child what will happen, what it might be like, and why the child needs to go.
  • Use books, pictures and stories to explain the situation to very young children.
  • Let your child choose special items from home to take along - pictures, books, toys or music that may help her feel more comfortable.
  • Read books together about going to the hospital.
  • While at the hospital or during the procedure (if possible), try to do something together to take her mind off of what's happening. Examples may include singing, counting, listening to music or reading.


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