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Canada Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund
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BETWEEN:HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA (“Canada”) as represented by the Minister of State (Infrastructure and Communities) and the Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario)
AND:HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO (“Ontario”) as represented by the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and AMO pledge to work with municipalities in implementing and ensuring the success of the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) Agreement;

AND WHEREAS Canada, Ontario and AMO recognize that infrastructure renewal will assist rural and small communities towards sustainability, competitiveness and becoming vigorous centres for economic growth, innovation and a healthy environment;

AND WHEREAS Canada and Ontario recognize that municipalities are best able to determine their own community public infrastructure priorities necessary to enhance the quality of life of their residents;

THEREFORE this Protocol sets out the roles and responsibilities of AMO, as the representative of municipalities in Ontario, with respect to the delivery of the COMRIF Initiative by Canada and Ontario.

1.0 Partnership with AMO
1.1 In implementing the COMRIF Agreement entered into between Canada and Ontario, Canada and Ontario agree to draw upon the knowledge and experience of AMO.
1.2 AMO agrees to:
a)provide advice to the COMRIF Management Committee on program priorities and parameters;
b)participate in the Communications and the Operations Subcommittees;
c)promote the COMRIF Initiative among Ontario municipalities, including program priorities and parameters;
d)facilitate training and learning opportunities for municipalities eligible for application for funding pursuant to the COMRIF Initiative in the preparation of funding applications including the development of business cases and asset management plans; and
e)provide advice to the Management Committee on the development and use of guidelines, procedures and forms for the COMRIF Initiative regarding:
i)the submission of applications for funding;
ii)the overall assessment process and ranking criteria of applications for approval;
iii)the execution of contribution agreements with recipients;
iv)the reporting by recipients on the implementation and evaluation of projects which have been or are approved for funding;
v)the submission of claims by recipients for payment of invoices for approved projects;
vi)the recording by the Management Committee of claims made by recipients and payments made by the Province;
vii)the treatment of cost increases and cost decreases for approved projects;
viii)the accommodation of alterations to projects already approved for funding;
ix)final cost reviews and audits of projects funded under the COMRIF Initiative; and
x)any other matters agreed to by the Management Committee and AMO.
2.0 Limitation
2.1  The parties agree that AMO will not participate in the application review process nor in the administration of the COMRIF Initiative, including:
a)advising applicants of any additional information the Management Committee requires;
b)reviewing and ranking of individual applications;
c)recording what requirements a project submitted for funding fails to meet;
d)making recommendations to the Management Committee as to an application’s suitability for funding, and advising the Committee as to any requirement that is not met by that application; or
e)advising the Management Committee of any requirement that is not met by an application for funding.
3.0 AMO Representative
3.1 The Executive Director of AMO, or an alternate appointed by AMO, will sit as an observer on the Management Committee and will be entitled to provide comments to the Committee.
4.0 Information Sharing and Confidentiality
4.1 The parties will cooperate in the development and distribution of information required for effective implementation of this Protocol.
4.2 The parties will safeguard any confidential information acquired or produced through the performance of this Protocol and will not use or disclose, either directly or indirectly, any confidential information without first obtaining the written permission of the affected party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF to make best efforts to adhere to the terms established in this Protocol, the parties have executed this Protocol on November 15, 2004.

Original signed by:

The Honourable John Godfrey
Minister of State (Infrastructure and Communities)
The Honourable Joseph R. Comuzzi
Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario)

Original signed by:

The Honourable David Caplan
Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal
The Honourable John Gerretsen
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Original signed by:

Roger Anderson
Canada Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund

Last updated: 2005-2-9 Important Notices