
  • Why exercise is vital to health

    Everyone knows that exercise is vital to maintaining health, yet many people continue to lead sedentary lives. Perhaps it is because they think that exercise must be difficult and time-consuming in order to be beneficial. In fact, you don’t have to train like a triathlete to reap the benefits. Simply walking to the store or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can make a lot of difference.

  • Lowering your cholesterol through diet and lifestyle

    Cholesterol is a type of fat (lipid), found both in the body and in certain foods. It has spent its fair share of time in the news because of its association with heart disease and stroke.

  • Keeping Fit - Part 2 Top-tier athletes, weekend warriors, and clubgoers love their sports and energy drinks - but are they really getting a boost? Seattle-based dietitian Lola O'Rourke gives the lowdown on these punch-packing beverages. Some foods get a bad rap for no good reason. Toronto-based dietitian Zannat Reza gives the lowdown on five so-called bad foods that are actually good for you.
  • Keeping Fit - Part 1 Fitness is, we're happy to observe, very popular these days. But there are a lot of ideas of what you need to do, where you need to do it, and what you need to eat and drink - or avoid - to maintain top form. We're here to give you some straightforward, level-headed - and economical - advice.
  • Yoga: Stretch for Your Health Yoga: the word may bring to mind pictures of people holding seemingly impossible poses - but it's about more than just flexibility. The ancient art of yoga endures in our modern world for many good reasons.
  • Meditation Meditation is often recommended as a way of reducing stress and even improving health. Find out what it involves.
  • Nutrition and Fitness Only about 35% of Canadians get enough regular physical activity. But it's easier than you may think. Read on for exercise and nutrition tips to stay active and fit.
  • Fad vs. Fat: Popular Diets - Part 2 One day they're in, the next day they're out again. Whether we're talking about Atkins or South Beach, low-carb diets are one kind of fad that never seems to die. But there are strategies for successful weight loss that will be more beneficial to your health in the long run.
  • Fad vs. Fat: Popular Diets - Part 1 You've read about them... You've seen the testimonials... You probably have friends who have lost several pounds on them. And they're popular - all those people can't be wrong, can they? Weight loss is healthy, right? So why shouldn't you go on one of the latest popular diet plans? What have you got to lose? Well, more than just weight, perhaps.
  • Nutrition Edition - Part 2 Most of us are aware of Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide and its recommendations to eat a certain number of servings from each food group each day. Being careful with our serving sizes will help us fight the global obesity epidemic that we are facing today. Being smart about food portions will help us address the problem of obesity.
  • Nutrition Edition - Part 1 Our Nutrition Edition provides information on key dietary terms that you and your family should be familiar with. Trans fats, obesity, the DASH diet - stay in the know regarding the latest in nutrition!
  • Childhood Obesity On weekends and after school, your kids have more time than ever to watch their favourite television shows and play their favourite computer games. But could these sedentary hobbies be putting your child in danger for developing obesity? Read on to learn about the risks of obesity and find out what you can do help your child lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Weight Loss - Part 2 If you're worried about your weight, you may be looking for a quick way to shed the pounds. But perhaps you should be thinking about longer-term, more gradual ways to modify your habits.
  • Weight Loss - Part 1 Obesity is epidemic in our society, and it can have serious health consequences. But unnaturally thin body ideals are a problem too. Where do you fit?
  • Sports Injuries With all the health benefits of staying active and physically fit, exercising might be an important part of your day-to-day life. While you might not think of whatever you're doing as being hazardous, sports injuries often go with the territory. Here are some tips to help make your workouts safer.

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