Wintertime Health and Safety - Part 1

Wintertime Health and Safety - Part 1

Winter is a wonderful time of the year - except for winter driving and the endless snow shovelling. Is the thought of black ice and white snow giving you the blues? It needn't be. Being prepared can make winter an enjoyable and safe time of the year. Here's how.

Let it snow...

Sing along while you let it snow, let it snow, let it snow - but you know that eventually you'll have to reach for that shovel and start digging out. But this, too, can be fun as long as you keep a few things in mind when shovelling.

Keep warm to avoid hypothermia, which comes from your body's inability to produce more heat than it is losing when exposed to the cold, dropping its internal temperature below 35°C. Always wear a hat, gloves or mitts, and waterproof boots when shovelling. And cover your face, especially if you have blood pressure problems.

Would you know how to recognize and treat hypothermia and frostbite?

  • The early warning signs of hypothermia are shivering and slurred speech, usually followed by confusion or lack of coordination. Increase your body temperature by getting out of the cold if you can as soon as possible. Knowing what can cause hypothermia is your best defence against it. The main culprits are windy, wet, and cold conditions. Cold, windy air chills the body, while wetness absorbs the body heat. Always wear a hat, gloves or mitts, and waterproof boots when shovelling to protect yourself against hypothermia.
  • When skin becomes numb and looks white and waxy, you know you have frostbite. Touch the skin. Is it firm to the touch but soft underneath? This means that your skin has lost heat. So act fast to avoid more heat loss. Use the heat of your hands to re-warm the frozen skin by gently placing your hands on the area. Be careful - tiny ice particles in the frozen skin can damage the tissue if you rub it, so don't! And if your skin turns grayfish-blue and becomes hard to the touch, try to warm up and see a doctor immediately.
    Remember, if your skin is not covered, it will freeze if exposed to temperatures below -25°C. When it's that cold outside, there is an increased risk of hypothermia and frostbite. If you don't have to go out, stay indoors. But if staying in is not an option, bundle up!

Don't over-exert yourself.

  • Pace yourself, especially if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or back problems. Avoid doing all your shovelling at once. By shovelling frequently, and by preventing the snow from piling up, you can avoid staying out in the cold for prolonged periods, overexerting yourself, and lifting heavy snow.
  • Before going out in the cold, warm up by doing back- and side-bending exercises, and make sure you drink water before and after shovelling.
  • Lift smart! To avoid injuring your back, try not to lift a shovel full of snow. Instead, using a lightweight, pusher-type shovel, bend your knees, and hold the shovel close to you as you push the snow to the side. This will also help reduce twisting or turning movements that could hurt your back.
  • Give yourself a break! Rest if you get tired. And if you are experiencing a chest or back pain, put the shovel down. Heart attacks have been known to occur when heavy lifting was performed in cold weather.

If health concerns keep you from using a snow shovel, you might consider using a snow blower. It's easier to use.

Don't get stuck in the snow

A winter car tune-up can help reduce your worries about winter driving. Take it to a garage for a tune-up and inspection to help prevent problems. Make sure that your brakes work well to prevent skidding. Cooling and electrical systems must be in good working condition. Put fresh anti-freeze in, and make sure that all electrical connections are clean and tight, especially if your car's battery is getting old. Remember, cold weather is hard on batteries.

If you want your car to start every time, make sure your engine is checked for faulty wiring, worn spark plugs, a sticking choke, or emission control devices that need attention.

Don't neglect the exhaust system. To avoid carbon monoxide leaks when the windows are closed, check the muffler and tail pipe system. Heaters, defrosters, and wipers should be in good working condition to keep your windshield clean for good visibility of the road and traffic around you. Make sure oil and filters are clean!

To increase traction in soft snow, consider investing in good snow tires. And check your tire pressure regularly. Keep in mind that for every 5ºC of temperature drop, tire pressure drops one pound.

Don't forget to keep a full gas tank at all times, as it will help reduce condensation and prevent the gas line from freezing. So fuel up!

What's in the trunk? You should have winter equipment to keep you weather-ready:

  • windshield scraper and snow brush
  • shovel
  • sand or kitty litter (in a bag, of course!)
  • wire traction mat or other abrasive material
  • box of facial tissues
  • spare tire
  • wheel wrench and jack
  • first aid kit
  • flashlight
  • battery jumper cables

And, if you have a long trip ahead, make sure you check the weather forecast and road conditions, and don't forget to pack:

  • a warm blanket
  • candles and a lighter or matches
  • non-perishable food
  • warm clothing (e.g., winter boots, hat)

Remember to exercise extra caution when driving in the winter.

  • Buckle up, stay alert, and pay attention to the unsafe actions of other drivers and poor driving conditions.
  • Make sure that the snow and ice is cleared from your car.
  • Slow down and allow more travel time.
  • Leave a greater distance between you and the car ahead of you, as an icy road requires double the stopping distance of a dry road.
  • Be in control of the steering wheel at all times - avoid using cruise control.
  • To make your car more visible to other drivers, use your low-beam headlights. They are brighter than daytime running lights, and having them on activates the taillights.
  • Know what to do when road conditions are icy. Remember, you can't see black ice! If you start skidding, stay calm, steer in the direction where you want your car to go, don't touch the brakes, and don't accelerate. To disconnect the driving force on the drive wheels, shift to neutral if you have an automatic transmission or put your foot on the clutch if you're using a manual transmission.
  • If you get stranded in the car during a snowstorm, get off the road, put your emergency flashers on to make sure you are visible, and stay in your car until help arrives or the storm subsides. Check the exhaust pipe to make sure that the snow is not blocking it. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, leave a window slightly open.

© MediResource Inc. Terms and conditions of use: The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Part 2



Condition Information - Hypothermia
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Winter Festivals in Canada
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Health Canada
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