Visit Premier Dalton McGuinty's website

Roundtable disccussions

Fairness - It's Time for Fairness for all Canadians

Getting Results
  • One of North America's toughest tobacco control strategies
    • 100% smoke-free workplaces and enclosed public places in Ontario.
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  • An action plan for healthy eating and active living
    • Making healthier choices the right choice for Ontarians.

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  • Supporting Ontario's Amateur Athletes
    • Increased direct financial assistance to amateur athletes

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February 15, 2008
Supporting Ontario’s Amateur Athletes

COLLINGWOOD – More than 1,000 eligible amateur athletes in Ontario will receive funding from the province to help cover living, training and academic costs. [More]

January 30, 2008
Providing Access to Sports and Recreation for Everyone
TORONTO – Sport clinics for youth, personal fitness programs for cancer survivors, and after-school recreation programs for disadvantaged youth are among the provincially-funded programs that are helping Ontarians get active. [More]

January 23, 2008
Research Shows Promising Results For Smokers To "Go Weedless"

TORONTO — Smokers may have up to four times the typical quit rates if they have effective access to counselling and nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), a new interim report indicates. [More]

January 21, 2008
2008 Driven to Quit Challenge

December 20, 2007
Resolve To Butt Out In The New Year
TORONTO – Smokers have many reasons for smoking, but the reasons for quitting outweigh them all, says Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best. [More]

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