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Highway Infrastructure Innovations Funding Program
For Ontario Universities and Colleges - 2007

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Awards Summaries


The Highway Infrastructure Innovations Funding Program funds research at Ontario colleges and universities to encourage basic and applied research in transportation infrastructure in Ontario. This program solicits innovations from Institutions to assist the Ministry in meeting selected challenges, and to encourage undergraduate and graduate research in transportation and infrastructure engineering.

The following areas of transportation and infrastructure engineering are included in this program:


All Ontario colleges and universities are eligible. The principal researcher must be a member of the faculty at the sponsoring institution.

Project Duration

One year, with some consideration for multi-year proposals

Application Deadline

To be announced later this year

How to Apply

Review the 2007 Guidelines, complete and submit the following:

  1. Application Form (Attachment B)
  2. Summary of proposal (Attachment C)
  3. Budget Summary (Attachment D)
  4. Detailed Research Proposal
  5. Budget Details
  6. Curriculum vitae for each principal staff member
  7. Appendices
  8. Progress report for projects previously funded through HIIFP (Attachment E)
  9. Description of request for access to MTO Facilities or work on MTO highways, if applicable

Proposal Evaluation Process

Proposals will be reviewed in two phases:

Phase 1: Ministry technical expert(s) will carry out technical evaluations of the proposals.

Phase 2: A Ministry Steering Committee will review the technical evaluations against the selection criteria outlined in the Guidelines, and the Ministry's research and business priorities.


The institution will submit a final report in both hard copy and electronic format no later than three months after the end of the funding period. This report will be made available via the Ministry's Library catalogue of research reports.

2007 Guidelines

For a copy of the Guidelines or additional information, please contact:

Coordinator, Technology and Innovations Executive Director's Office
Asset Management
301 St. Paul Street, 2nd Floor
St. Catharines ON  L2R 7R4

Phone: 905-704-2980

Last Modified: January 3, 2008