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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)


 Moving Forward with Intelligence:
Ontario's Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategy

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ITS is an abbreviation for Intelligent Transportation Systems. The term ITS is used in two contexts. When used in the plural - the more usual form - ITS refers to the rapidly emerging transportation products, services and systems which are based on advanced technologies such as computers, communications and electronics; and which are called "intelligent" because their essential functions are based on attributes normally associated with intelligence - sensory capabilities, memory, communications, information processing and adaptive behavior.

When used in the singular, ITS refers to the currently evolving Intelligent Transportation System which integrates all modes of the existing transportation systems that move people and goods; and encompasses the rapidly emerging intelligent transportation (sub) systems, products and services. Both technological and institutional integration are involved.

In Ontario, ITS products, services and systems are to be found throughout the public and private sectors. Exciting initiatives are being pursued in traffic management and transit operations, in traveller information systems, in trucking, toll roads, automated maintenance and in integrated transportation systems. ITS activities in Ontario are intended to contribute to improved transportation safety in the province, to enable the cost effective and efficient movement of people and goods, to lead to commercial and industrial opportunities, to improve global competitiveness, and to assist with the more efficient construction, acquisition, maintenance and use of the transportation infrastructure and other assets within the province.

ITS is important to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario as the related products, services, systems and tools are associated with significant enabling capabilities. These can assist the ministry in conducting its core businesses and in shifting its focus from being a deliverer of transportation services to becoming a manager of service providers - ITS products, services and systems enable the cost effective and efficient conduct of core businesses; related tools allow performance measures as well as services provided to be quantified and hence to be remunerated on a fair, consistent and rational basis.

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Last Modified: July 21, 2005