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Class Environmental Assessment for
Provincial Transportation Facilities

The planning and design of MTO provincial transportation projects follows an approved Provincial Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process that has been in place and updated regularly, since 1979.

On October 6, 1999 a new MTO Class EA parent document was approved by Order-in-Council. Effective on that date, the "Provincial Highways Class Environmental Assessment" document (November 1992) was cancelled and replaced by the document "Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities" (December 1997). The revised edition, dated July 14, 2000, is now available.

Further information on the document or MTO's Class EA process may be obtained from:

Ministry of Transportation
Environmental Policy and Standards Section
2nd Floor South
301 St. Paul Street
St. Catharines, ON  L2R 7R4
Tel: 905-704-2104

Last Modified: March 5, 2007