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Road Salt Management

Keeping Ontario's Roads Safe in Winter

Maintaining safe, clean and liveable communities is a priority for the McGuinty government. We will continue to work to ensure Ontario's roads are safe for drivers in the winter and throughout the year.

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) follows best practices consistent with those used across North America and employs the latest winter maintenance technologies:

MTO is an active member of AURORA, an international partnership of public agencies that work together to perform joint research activities in ARWIS. Also, MTO attends and presents research papers at international conferences on a broad range of highway maintenance topics, including winter maintenance technologies that can reduce salt usage.

The ministry's actual salt usage is highly dependent upon weather conditions, varying from 500,000 to 600,000 tonnes of salt annually. Combining safe road salt use with new and existing MTO technologies is estimated to reduce road salt use by up to 20 per cent.

MTO is also a member of a national Road Salt Management working group assigned by the Council of Deputy Ministers responsible for transportation and highway safety. Consisting of both Canadian road maintenance agencies and Environment Canada, this group ensures state-of-the-art salt management practices are identified. MTO will continue to explore new and emerging technologies to further enhance road salt management practices.

See also: Maintenance Technology Project

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Last Modified: June 8, 2005