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Northern Ontario Highways Strategy
August 2005

Photo: M. Mielke

Executive Summary



The Northern Ontario Highways Strategy is a record $1.8-billion, multi-year plan for highway improvements and expansion in the North. It is a road map for northern prosperity. The strategy increases investment in northern highway infrastructure by nearly 40 per cent over five years while making sure the right investments are made at the right time. No other government has committed so much over such a period of time. The projects outlined in the Northern Ontario Highways Strategy will create 45,000 jobs across the province and play a pivotal role in our plan for the economic prosperity of the province as a whole.

The Northern Ontario Highways Strategy is critical to the economic prosperity of the entire province, especially the North where more than $32 billion worth of minerals, wood, paper and other products are produced and shipped each year. Eleven million tourists visited Northern Ontario in 2003 and spent nearly $1.7 billion.

Preserving existing infrastructure

The Ontario government will invest $1.1 billion over the next five years on repair and upkeep of Northern Ontario highways and bridges. This means improving nearly 200 bridges and more than 2,000 kilometres of highway.

For example:

The Northern Ontario Highways Strategy ensures timely highway investments to improve safety, encourage tourism and support the economy.

Building for the Future

The Ontario government will invest $700 million over the next five years to expand northern highways - improving safety and efficiency and boosting economic development. Fifty-four new bridges and 62 kilometres of new roadway will be added within the next five years.

For example:

The Northern Ontario Highways Strategy will accelerate the completion of the four-laning of Highways 11 and 69 within seven and 12 years, respectively.

The four-laning of Highway 69 is the largest construction project underway in Ontario. It's estimated that 37 million cubic metres of rock and dirt will have to be moved over the course of the project. That's 22 times the volume of the Rogers Centre (formerly Skydome).

The Highway 69 Action Plan was released by the Minister of Northern Development and Mines and the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal in late June.

Improving Safety and Efficiency

The $1.8-billion investment in highway improvements and expansion will make our roads safer and more efficient. This will mean $1.1 billion invested in highway improvements and $700 million to expand our highways. This will involve more than 100 projects such as adding new truck-climbing lanes on steep hills, realigning curves and adding new interchanges near major urban centres.

For example:

The Road Ahead

The government's Northern Ontario Highways Strategy addresses the needs of people and industry in the North. Our government is increasing funding by nearly 40 per cent - delivering on a platform commitment to northerners and putting more dollars into northern highways than ever before.

We're making a $1.8-billion, five-year, record commitment to create a highway system capable of supporting prosperity in Northern Ontario.

Environmental Protection

The Northern Ontario Highways Strategy includes a commitment to environmental protection under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act for every highway construction proposal. As well, the Province will participate in federal reviews under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act where necessary.

Our Commitment

All highway investments will be guided by the principles and best practices established by the government in Building A Better Tomorrow, a framework for the planning, financing and procurement of public infrastructure. There are five guiding principles:

See also:

To request a copy of the full Northern Ontario Highways Strategy document, please contact:

Norman Richards
Distribution Services
1201 Wilson Avenue, Building E
Downsview ON  M3M 1J8

Telephone: 1-800-373-5099

Related link: Ministry of Northern Development and Mines: Northern Highways Program - click on Northern Highways Program 2006 to 2010 (PDF)

Last Modified: February 4, 2008