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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Cottage Watch

The Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations - this site includes information about Cottage Watch
Cottage Watch is a partnership for cottage safety

The Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.), Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations Inc. (F.O.C.A.) and local cottage associations have grouped together to provide a crime prevention program with three main components.

  1. Target hardening
  2. Community patrols
  3. Police teams

Beach chairsWhat is Cottage Watch?

A community crime prevention program that:

  • promotes cottage safety and security
  • develops a partnership involving the police, your association and corporate sponsors.

How Does Cottage Watch Work?

As a member of the cottage community, you become a partner by simply reporting suspicious persons or activities to the police.

You are encouraged to:

  • record license plate numbers and descriptions of any suspicious vehicles in your neighborhood,
  • watch for strangers in your neighbourhood,
  • watch for persons taking "shortcuts" through your property,
  • watch for vehicles making repeat visits through your neighbourhood.