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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Rural and Agricultural Crime Team

Crime Prevention - Rural and Agricultural Crime Team

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R.A.C.T. Mandate and History

Operational Units


The Ontario Provincial Police have five dedicated Rural & Agricultural Crime Teams (R.A.C.T.) located in five Regions throughout Ontario. The teams report to Regional Command and are coordinated by a Provincial R.A.C.T. Coordinator housed within the Crime Prevention Section, Investigation Bureau, General Headquarters in Orillia.

The Rural & Agricultural Crime Team provides crime analysis, investigative leadership and expertise to reduce break and enters, recover stolen property and curtail agriculture and forestry crime in Ontario. The Teams are also responsible for developing crime prevention strategies.

The Team works in conjunction with local O.P.P. detachments and municipal police services, to apprehend mobile, organized groups who commit crimes across a number of jurisdictional lines.

The Teams work closely with and shares information with other enforcement units within the O.P.P., such as Drug Enforcement Section (D.E.S.), Organized Crime Section, including Provincial Auto Theft Team (P.A.T.T.), and the Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit (P.W.E.U.), throughout the province.

Dedicated to crime prevention, education, and public safety, members of the Rural & Agricultural Crime Team provide comprehensive training to local detachment officers as well as conduct presentations to community and individual private sector groups, and provide lectures to municipal police services, federal and international agencies.

On a yearly basis, Rural & Agricultural Crime Team assists Drug Enforcement Section with their Provincial Marihuana Eradication Program. In cooperation with C.I.S.O. (Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario), local O.P.P. detachments, municipal police services, and the aid of helicopter services, this program identifies and destroys outdoor marihuana operations grown throughout the province.