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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Operation Provident

 Program Goals:

To deter thieves from stealing property by increasing risk and reducing reward.

To identify the owner of stolen property which has been recovered by the police anywhere in Canada.

For Business Owners

Each year, our business community loses millions of dollars due to “break and enters” or theft of increasingly portable electronic or computer equipment, such as lap top computers, even while the business is open.

Help Us - Help You

The O.P.P. encourage you to reduce your risk of loss by enrolling in OPERATION PROVIDENT.

What is Operation Provident?

Officer in WorkshopA nationally recognized numbering system has been established. From this system, your business will be allotted a unique sequential number. Simply contact your police for information on joining Operation Provident and a number will be assigned along with information on program implementation.

This national numbering system will assist any police officer in the country to quickly determine the ownership of recovered property through the police computer system.

A Provident number consists of nine digits divided into three blocks:

  • Operation Provident SketchThe first three digits represent Operation Provident and the province in which the number was issued.
  • The middle digits denote which police service assigned the number.
    The last three digits identify the business to which the number was issued.

How does Operation Provident Work?

Your police will assign your company an Operation Provident number on request and maintain a police file noting the enrolment in Operation Provident. The number, when engraved on your valuable computer or electronic equipment, will act as a deterrent to potential thieves and aid in its return in the event that it is lost or stolen. A warning sign and “STOP” sign decals should be displayed at your business. This will allow you to advertise your participation in the program to potential thieves.

Officer and StereoHow Do I participate in Operation Provident?

1. Call
Your local police service to be assigned your Operation Provident number.

2. Specify
Have your assigned Operation Provident number permanently marked or engraved on all valuable property. This is best accomplished by requesting the manufacturer or distributor of new computer or electronic equipment to permanently etch or engrave your number on the equipment as a condition of purchase. For maximum effectiveness be sure to include your company name or logo.

3. Mark
Use an electric engraver, rotary tool or permanent etching service to mark all your existing electronics and computer equipment.

4. Highlight Your Work
Draw extra attention to your number and name by highlighting the engraved area with highly visible paint.