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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Youth Summer Camp

What is the O.P.P. Youth Summer Camp?

First formed in 1998 by Chief Superintendent (retired) Robert EamWonderland 2004er, the O.P.P. Youth Summer Camp brings police and youth together for a one-week summer camp. The 42 campers represent 42 detachments across the province. Detachment personnel select a child from their community who, they feel, would most benefit from this unique camp experience. The camp is held at the O.P.P. General Headquarters in Orillia with campers and counselors guests of the Provincial Police Academy. All counselors are sworn police officers that help the campers enjoy a week filled with fun team-building and self-esteem activities. Our goal is to create positive police-youth relations in all the communities we serve. It is hoped that each child who attends leaves with a positive view of policing and a new friend in uniform.


Jays Game 2005Although personnel and accommodations are provided by the O.P.P., the Camp relies on donations to provide the many other necessities needed to ensure a successful Camp.  Expenses may include air travel from north western Ontario and admission to venues such as Wasaga Waterworld, Paramount Canada’s Wonderland, Ontario Science Centre, Rogers Centre, transportation, daily meals and snacks, juice/water, hats, clothing, personal hygiene products – the list goes on and on. Of course, required items that are not donated to the Camp, must be purchased. All donations are gratefully accepted by the OPP Youth Foundation at www.oppyouthfoundation.ca

Contact Info

Enquiries regarding the O.P.P. Youth Summer Camp may be directed to Community Relations at OPP.CommunityRelations@jus.gov.on.ca

Helmet Demo 2004 Wonderland 2004

The O.P.P. appreciates the strong support it has received, and continues to receive, from our community members and businesses.

"Working together for the future of our children"