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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Operational Policy and Strategic Planning Bureau

Operational Policy and Strategic Planning Bureau's mandate consists of operational policy development and the Police Orders system, research and statistical analysis.  The Bureau is also responsible for the Eric Silk Library located at G.H.Q. and serving the entire O.P.P. community.

Bureau Services

Programs and Analysis Section

The Programs and Analysis Section is responsible for:

  • Provide accurate information in a timely manner that meets the O.P.P.’s corporate and operational statistical and Information Management (I.M.) reporting requirements.
  • Manage, maintain and provide statistical information systems for traffic initiatives, deployment model, Uniform Crime Reporting (U.C.R.), Police Administration and other survey requests;

Research and Policy Section

Research and Policy Section provides the following services:

  • Organizational planning and research in support of executive decision making and program implementation/pilot:
  • Co-ordinate Ministry-O.P.P. consultations and prepare responses on policing issues to the Ministry, on befalf of the O.P.P.;
  • Prepare O.P.P. position papers on proposed legislative changes and government direction as it impacts on the O.P.P.'s mandate and resources;
  • Policy development and publication;
  • Policy analysis/interpretation, including:
    • Researching and responding to internal policy queries and supporting policy users.
    • Respond to external agency policy queries
    • Delivering presentations to recruits and new hires about O.P.P. policy.
    • Reviewing Coroner's recommendations.
    • Reviewing All Chief's Memorandums.
    • Liaise with Internal and External Justice partners, including Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, to ensure consistency in policy.

  • Library services via the Eric Silk Library at G.H.Q. provides a full service library supporting the information needs of the Ontario Provincial Police community.
    • Access to over 13,000 books, case law, statute law, audiovisual materials, periodicals and electronic information.