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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Human Resources Bureau

The Human Resources Bureau delivers programs and services that support the development of the organization's greatest resource - our people.

There are three key business areas in the bureau that support the O.P.P. in achieving both people strength and business objectives: Uniform Recruitment and Staffing, Client Services, and Human Resources Planning and Capacity Building.

Uniform Recruitment provides outreach and selection services for uniform recruitment and administrative support for uniform deployment. This section attracts and selects the best available recruits and undertakes to reach out to new candidate pools in support of diversity, renewal and revitalization.

Client Services provides ongoing human resources support, consultation and administrative services to the organization through its Human Resources Advisors, Staffing Officers, Workplace Safety and Insurance Case Manager and Return to Work and Employee Assistance Coordinator.

Human Resources Planning and Capacity Building is responsible for development and implementation of human resources programs that enhance the capacity of the people in the organization to deliver on business objectives. These programs include executive services, succession planning, performance management, development and the promotional process.