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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Field Operations

Field Operations

Field Operations is committed to working continually to earn the confidence of the citizens of and visitors to Ontario – a confidence that will not be taken for granted.  Our women and men, both sworn officers and civilians, provide the best and most professional law-enforcement service possible and strive to build a culture of trust and open, honest dialogue with the communities they serve.

Deputy Commissioner Chris Lewis









Provincial Commander
Chris Lewis

The Field Operations Command structure consists of 155 detachment and satellite locations, administered by five Regional Headquarters in London, Smiths Falls, Orillia, North Bay and Thunder Bay.  Policing services are provided to over one million square kilometers of Ontario, and over 20,000 km of highways are patrolled.

This Command is staffed by 3,500 uniform members and 1,150 civilians, and is proud of its active Auxiliary force of 680 members who supply ongoing support to front-line service delivery.

Also, the Field Operations Command is charged with providing policing services:

  • for parts of Ontario that do not have municipal police forces other than municipal law enforcement officers; and
  • all navigable bodies and courses of water in Ontario, except those that lie within municipalities designated by the Solicitor General.

The OPP fleet consists of 3,880 pieces of equipment, including general patrol vehicles, motorized snow vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, marine equipment and aircraft.

Field Operations Command also includes the Field Support Bureau and the First Nations and Contract Policing Bureau and also develops and manages specialized policing service contracts; support services agreements and framework agreements to supply OPP services.