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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Contract Policing Bureau

The mandate of the First Nations/Contract Policing Bureau includes the preparation and presentation of contract proposals upon the request of municipalities in cooperation with Regions, Detachments and other Bureaus. The Bureau also develops and manages specialized policing service contracts, support services agreements and framework agreements in cooperation with O.P.P. service providers.

The O.P.P. provides policing services to 299 municipalities. The O.P.P. has 103 municipal policing contracts serving 117 municipalities. Since 1985, the O.P.P. has amalgamated 51 municipal police services. The O.P.P. also has 129 specialized and support service agreements contracts and 50 framework agreements.

“FOCUS ” is a First Nations/Contract Policing Bureau communications vehicle providing the latest information on contract policing issues to municipalities, police service boards and other stakeholders on the O.P.P. contracting process.

Focus Brochure
