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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

First Nations Policing

O.P.P.'s relationship with Aboriginal communities is a core business of the organization. The O.P.P. through developed and ongoing relationships will continue providing policing assistance to Aboriginal communities and supporting First Nations Police Services.

First Nations Programs provides service to Aboriginal communities and their

 First Nations

Principles of Quality Service

  • Make Friends First
  • Build Relationships based on Trust
  • Help Communities
  • Develop their own Vision
  • Support our Partners to lead sustainable Community-based Programs.
policing partners through the following core functions:

  • Administer Policing for 20 communities, who have not yet exercised a self-directed policing option pursuant to the Ontario First Nations Policing Agreement,
  • Strategic Design and Delivery of Operational Training for First Nations Police Services,
  • Lead Cultural, Historical and Legal Issues Training for Policing and Community Partners, and
  • Support our Partners to Lead Sustainable Growth of their Police Services and their Communities.

Our team has strategically enhanced our ongoing mission of assisting First Nations to make informed choices about their policing needs.

We work hard to maintain our leadership position in the strategic design and delivery of training for officers and partners that meet their unique needs. We continue to deliver First Nations Criminal Investigations, D.N.A. Warrant, Sex Offender Registry, Crisis Negotiator and Coach Officer training in addition to training offered at mainstream policing academies. We are planning additional coach officers, leadership and business planning courses for our policing partners in self-directed services.

Building relationshipsThe OPP is pursuing Native Awareness Training for its members in a variety of formats and depths to overcome obstacles in relationships and to lay the groundwork for effective policing service to Aboriginal people and communities. The goal is to introduce First Nations issues in sufficient detail in the proper setting to allow police service providers from varied backgrounds to have the knowledge and understanding to be comfortable, confident and effective in Aboriginal environments. This focus on education communicates to OPP employees and to communities the priority that this organization places on meeting the unique needs of Aboriginal partners.

The Integrated Support Services Unit (ISSU) was established in 2003. The concept was developed with Ontario’s First Nations Chiefs of Police as a means of ensuring consistent, balanced and integrated approaches to the service provided by the OPP and RCMP. It involves 6 OPP and 6 RCMP officers working in partnership with individual First Nations police services throughout Ontario to develop local community crime prevention capacity. The focus of the partnership is on initiatives that target suicide prevention, youth empowerment and community wellness through social development.Circle

An Investigative Support Unit has been implemented between the O.P.P. and the Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service to address the coaching and development of the criminal investigative function in the far north of Ontario.


FNCPA - Setting the Context, The Policing of First Nations Communities

Assembly of First Nations - Improving the System of Justice

Helpful Links:

Chiefs of Ontario

First Nations Chiefs of Police Association

First Nations Policing Services of Canada

Law Enforcement Aboriginal and Diversity Network

Aboriginal Canada Portal - Calendar of Aboriginal Events