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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

O.P.P. Hiring Process

The O.P.P. is currently actively hiring qualified candidates for Provincial Constable and Cadet classes.

The O.P.P. is looking for people with integrity, who are accountable, courageous, caring and fair; people from diverse backgrounds who represent the communities we serve; people who enjoy working with others and want to build strong relationships characterized by mutual respect in all types of settings and circumstances. We want people who really want to make a difference in the lives of others.

The information contained within the recruitment pages relate specifically to the O.P.P. constable hiring process as well as valuable links to assist you. It is recommended that you review all the information in detail to gain insights into the O.P.P. recruitment process, the Constable Selection System and your own readiness to challenge them.

To view a flowchart of our Hiring Process, please select a file below:

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Basic Conditions of AppointmentOPP Hiring Process-female recruit

  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Minimum 18 years of age.
  • Ontario Grade 12 or equivalency.
  • Class ‘G’ driver’s license with:
    • No more than 6 demerit points; and
    • Full driving privileges.
  • No criminal record for which a pardon has not been received or an absolute/conditional discharge that has not been sealed.
  • Certified in First-Aid and C.P.R.
  • Pass credit, background and investigation checks.
  • Possess a valid Certificate of Results (C.O.R.). (more information on how to obtain your C.O.R.)

O.P.P. applicants must be willing to serve anywhere in the province. Preferences for posting are taken into consideration.

Points to Consider

You should not apply until you are ready. Submit your application ONLY when you feel you are at your competitive best.

  1. For those who are new to Canada, in order to meet the conditions of appointment to the O.P.P., a candidate must be a Canadian citizen, a landed immigrant or a permanent resident of Canada and be legally entitled to work in this country. If you do not meet this basic condition of appointment, you may wish to visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada for further information. There you will find information on immigration and working in Canada.

  2. You must be a secondary school graduate from any province of Canada (Ontario Secondary School Diploma or its equivalent). Applicants educated outside Canada should refer to the International Credential Assessment Service of Canada. I.C.A.S. may also be contacted toll-free at 1-800-321-6021.

  3. The nature of the constable position requires that you possess a valid motor vehicle driver’s licence with full driving privileges and that your driving record shows a past respect for the laws you would be enforcing as a constable. An O.P.P. constable’s duties require substantial driving ability. If your driving has been limited, it may be to your advantage to gain more experience before submitting yOPP Hiring Process-peering in windowour application. Having a driving history that indicates care and prudence is to your benefit. Do not submit your application until your driving demerit point accumulation is six (6) or less.Ontario applicants may determine their current demerit point accumulation by submitting a minimal fee to the Ministry of Transportation. To learn more about obtaining driving records, please visit the Ministry of Transportation: Drivers and Vehicles: Driver Licensing section of their website.

  4. You must obtain a pardon if you have been convicted of a criminal offence. Documentary proof of pardons may be required for applicants advancing to the final selection phase. Information concerning pardons is available from any office of the National Parole Board in Canada. You may also call toll-free at 1-800-874-2652.

    If you have ever been found guilty of a criminal offence and been discharged. absolutely or on conditions, the records must be sealed by the R.C.M.P. If the discharge was ordered prior to July 24, 1992, and a pardon has NOT be granted, you will have to apply to the R.C.M.P. to have the records sealed. If ordered AFTER July 24, 1992, records are sealed automatically after ONE (1) year in the case of an absolute discharge, and after THREE (3) years in the case of a conditional discharge.

  5. The O.P.P. serves the entire province. We will be pleased to discuss where you prefer to be posted. However, you may be placed anywhere at any time in your career as required by the O.P.P. Submit your application ONLY AFTER having given careful and positive consideration to placement possibilities.

Although the O.P.P. solicits applicants with multiple language abilities including both official languages, pre-applicant upgrading or training will be necessary for those not fully fluent in oral and written English language skills.