Getting Results

Enhancing Health Care For Seniors

  • Reduced wait times for key surgeries
  • Seminars to help seniors stay healthy


Reduced wait times for key surgeries
Since the launch of Ontario’s Wait Time Strategy in November 2004, the McGuinty government has invested more than $895 million for approximately 1,270,000 additional procedures, reducing wait times. Data as of May 18, 2007, show reductions in wait times for:

  • knee replacements by 27 per cent
  • cataract surgery by 49 per cent
  • angiography by 57 per cent
  • cancer surgery by 14 per cent
  • MRI and CT scans by 10 and 25 per cent, respectively
  • hip replacements by 28 per cent
  • angioplasty by 36 per cent.

More information:
How Wait Time Information Can Help You

Seminars to help seniors stay healthy
The government is investing over $400,000 in seniors’ information fairs across the province.  Topics include safe medication use, living with mental illness and addictions, falls prevention and other healthy living themed sessions.  The seniors’ fairs are offered in partnership with the Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario and the Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l’Ontario.

More information:
Safe medication use news release
Falls prevention news release

INFOline Toll-free: 1-888-910-1999, TTY 1-800-387-5559