Getting Results

Promoting Seniors’ Independence And Quality Of Life

The McGuinty government is committed to making sure that seniors can live in safety, with respect and independence, and is working hard to meet the changing needs of today’s seniors by:

  • Eliminating mandatory retirement by passing a law giving Ontarians the freedom to choose to retire or not at the age of 65.
    News release

  • Expanding access to the award-winning Seniorsinfo.ca website, which gives seniors, their family members and service providers a “one-stop” window to information about all programs and services available to seniors in their community from all levels of government. Twenty-two municipalities joined this innovative internet program in 2006. More will come online this year.

  • Investing more than $1.6 million over the next two years to Ontario’s Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse; and providing grants of $3,000 and $15,000 to support community elder abuse groups across Ontario to support their front-line work.  Approximately $450,000 was provided in both 2005/06 and 2006/07.
    News release

  • Introducing some of the toughest consumer protection measures in the world to help people such as seniors who are often the target of fraudsters. This includes increasing fines for real estate fraud to $50,000 from $1,000 and making it clear that a property will not be lost as a result of the registration of a falsified mortgage, fraudulent sale or a counterfeit power of attorney.
    News release

  • Increasing funding for long-term care homes by more than $740 million, to hire 4,891 new front line staff.
    News release

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