Fad vs. Fat: Popular Diets - Part 1

Fad vs. Fat: Popular Diets - Part 1

You've read about them... You've seen the testimonials... You probably have friends who have lost several pounds on them. And they're popular - all those people can't be wrong, can they? Weight loss is healthy, right? So why shouldn't you go on one of the latest popular diet plans? What have you got to lose? Well, more than just weight, perhaps.

Fat vs. fiction: What diets work?

Lose 15 pounds by the weekend? Get your dream body while eating whatever you want and without having to go to the gym? Shelves full of books and hours of infomercials will try to have you believe otherwise, but there is no magic formula that can get you the body you want.

Yes, losing weight can be a daunting task - which explains the appeal of programs that promise to make weight loss easy. But all too often, fad diets result not only in regaining lost pounds, but in putting on extra weight as well. That's because safe, effective and, most importantly, long-term weight loss requires two important things:

  • permanent changes in the way you eat
  • making exercise a habit, not just something you do on the rare occasion that the mood strikes

And these are two things that many quick fixes fail to incorporate.

Here are some tips for recognizing fad diets or weight loss gimmicks

  • It promises unrealistic results. Safe weight loss means no more than 2 lbs. (1 kg) per week. If you lose weight any faster than that, your body could compensate by slowing down the rate at which it burns calories, thereby slowing weight loss and even making it easier to gain weight after you return to your normal eating habits.
  • It requires you to purchase special products, supplements, or foods. The foods you need to lose weight sensibly - a balance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and lower-fat dairy products - are all available at the grocery store.
  • It eliminates certain foods or even whole food groups entirely. By cutting out certain foods from your diet, you risk coming up short on all the vitamins and nutrients you need.
  • It requires you to strictly follow a set plan. The less a diet plan takes into account your own personal likes and dislikes as well as your lifestyle, the less likely you are to stick to it. Any diet plan you follow should also account for your individual nutritional requirements, which can vary depending on age, activity level, and any medical conditions.

Here are some qualities of reliable diet plans

  • They incorporate exercise. Burning energy through exercise means you can achieve weight loss without having to cut the number of calories you consume as drastically. As well, studies have shown regular exercise is one of the biggest predictors of keeping the weight off.
  • They make recommendations based on sound science. A safe weight-loss program makes its claims based on large-scale studies that have been reviewed by reputable health care professionals.
  • They meet Health Canada's daily recommended intakes. It's important to make sure you are getting all the protein, vitamins, and minerals you need. Because it can be difficult to meet your targets while restricting calories, your doctor or dietitian may recommend supplements.
  • They include plans for maintenance. Your program should help you form the habits you need to make your weight-loss long term. Remember, healthy eating is a way of life - not just a two-week plan.

What's the problem with quick weight loss?

Being overweight has been shown to take a considerable toll on our health, from upping our risk of heart disease to diabetes to some forms of cancer. So you'd think it would be wise to lose weight any way you can. But losing weight on an unsafe diet plan or repeatedly losing and gaining weight, as can happen as a result of fad dieting, can also cause health problems.

The vicious cycle of losing and gaining weight is often referred to as yo-yo dieting. While some people may tell you yo-yo dieting can make it harder to lose weight the next time around, a number of studies have shown that to be a myth. But that doesn't mean yo-yo dieting is good for you.

One study that was published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association suggests that yo-yo dieting may weaken the immune system. The study, which measured immunity by testing the activity of natural killer cells - which fight off viruses such as the common cold, viral pneumonia, herpes, and more - found that postmenopausal women who had ever intentionally lost at least 10 lbs. had weaker immune systems. And the more times the participants had lost 10 or more pounds, the greater the effect. Women who lost weight and kept it off, however, seemed to have stronger immune systems.

There is also some evidence that yo-yo dieting may increase your risk of developing high blood pressure and gallstones. But while many experts say the risks associated with yo-yo dieting shouldn't stop you from trying to lose weight if you are overweight, they do underscore the importance of finding a weight-loss plan that will help you not only lose the fat, but keep it off as well.

And yo-yo dieting aside, fad diets can have other negative effects on your health. For example, many fad diets are effective for quick, short-term weight loss because they require a very low-calorie diet, which has been linked to gallstones in obese patients.

Cutting out particular foods or severely cutting calories may also limit the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals you get from dietary sources, causing a nutritional deficiency. Even if you are losing weight on a more reliable diet plan, you should talk to your doctor, pharmacist or a registered dietitian about whether you need any vitamin supplements.

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