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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Professional Standards Bureau

Professional Standards Bureau administers selective programs to ensure the highest standard of professionalism within the Ontario Provincial Police. Accordingly, internal and external concerns pertaining to member conduct or service are monitored, appropriate investigations generated and recommendations provided for senior management decision. The Bureau also provides proactive input to other areas of the Ontario Provincial Police, on related issues, such as training and policy.

Investigations Section

This section is responsible for the investigation of Public and Internal complaints pursuant to the provisions of the Police Services Act. Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Policy complaints concerning employee behaviour, application of Ontario Provincial Police policy and service delivery complaints are also investigated by the deployed investigative resources of this Section. These members also conduct the required policy and conduct investigations pursuant to Section 11 of Ontario Regulation 673/98 pursuant to the Police Services Act in relation to Special Investigations Unit, Investigations.

The Bureau also utilizes the services of a Detective Inspector seconded from the Criminal Investigation Branch of Investigations Bureau to oversee allegations of criminal misconduct by our employees.

Classification and Analysis Unit

This section, as authorized by the Commissioner, administers the complaint process as mandated by the Police Services Act. It also provides statistical analysis to identify trends in misconduct for early intervention or recommendations for changes in Force policy or training.

Prosecutions Section

This section is responsible for coordinating and actively pursuing the litigation of any formal discipline action pursuant to the Police Services Act. Each year, the unit initiates and conducts the prosecution of approximately 40 hearings, and also attends reviews and appeals before various judicial bodies such as the Ontario Civilian Commission On Police Services and Divisional Court. Using problem-solving methods to develop best-practice strategies, the unit also promotes a pro-active approach to the reduction of complaints.