Haliburton County
Haliburton LogoHaliburton Highlands is the ideal location to live out your retirement dreams. This area boasts a unique pace that allows those in its midst to slow down a bit and enjoy the many activities and amenities, not to mention the breathtaking landscape typical of the Canadian Shield. With several hundred fresh water lakes and abundant forests and wildlife, the Haliburton Highlands is A Natural Work of Art.

The County of Haliburton hosts one of the largest seniors populations in the Province based on percentage of total population. Based on these demographics, the various levels of government, service agencies, volunteer organizations and the business community are very aware of the need to provide supportive services and opportunities to this important group of citizens. The County of Haliburton is pleased to participate in the seniorsinfo.ca initiative as it provides a practical avenue to provide better and more accessible information to residents and visitors alike.


While you can search for seniors' specific information within the category listings, you are encouraged to visit www.haliburtoncounty.ca to find additional detailed and descriptive information about local events, attractions and municipal services in Haliburton County.