Otonabee-South Monaghan
Otonabee-South Monaghan Logo The Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan is located immediately east of the City of Peterborough. Our proximity to Peterborough allows our residents to enjoy services from our municipality, as well as amenities found in an urban setting.

We are bordered to the south by the shores of Rice Lake, which offer a variety of tourism venues. Otonabee-South Monaghan is a mixture of agriculture, residential, clean industries, and tourism.

There are a number of villages, hamlets and settlements located throughout the municipality.

Lang Pioneer Village and Museum is a local attraction which offers the visitor a chance to relive the lifestyles of the early settlers. Tourist resorts provide comfortable lodgings, and a chance to enjoy fishing on Rice Lake.

Sunset at Keene
Sunset at Keene

Our community is comprised of approximately 2700 households, and 6500 full-time population.

We have three libraries which provide not only a book-lending service, but also computer stations and a variety of educational programs.

A medical centre is located in the Village of Keene utilizing the services of two nurse practitioners. Residents are able to access services provided by Community Care, Meals on Wheels, volunteer drivers for medical appointments, and other programs.

Contact Information:

Christine Wright, CAO
(705) 295-6852
Heather Scott, Clerk
(705) 295-6852
David Nelson, Reeve
(705) 295-4628

Township website: www.otonabeesouthmonaghan.ca