Retirement > Retirement Income
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 records

Allowance for the Survivor Program
The Allowance for the Survivor Program provides a monthly non-taxable benefit to low-income widowed spouses who are not yet eligible for the Old Age Security pension.
Source: Service Canada

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Statement of Contributions On-line
This online service allows you to view and print your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Statement of Contributions. Your Statement of Contributions contains a history of your earnings and contributions to the CPP, as well as estimates for any CPP benefits you may be eligible to receive.
Source: Social Developement Canada

Canada Pension Plan Retirement Pension
The Canada Pension Plan Retirement Pension provides a monthly taxable benefit to retired contributors.
Source: Service Canada

Canada's Retirement Income System
This web page is provided to help you learn more about the retirement income system in Canada.
Source: Social Development Canada

Canadian Government Annuities Plan
An overview of the plans administered by the Annuities Branch, including a brief history of the Canadian Government Annuities, the available forms to annuitants and employers and the annual report.
Source: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

Canadian Retirement Income Calculator
The Government of Canada has developed this calculator to help you plan for retirement. The calculator takes you step by step through an estimate of the ongoing income you will receive throughout your retirement.
Source: Human Resources Development Canada

Old Age Security (OAS) Pension - Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most commonly asked questions about the OAS pension.
Source: Service Canada

Old Age Security and the Canada Pension Plan
Canada's public pensions are internationally recognized as among the best in the world. The Government of Canada continues to adapt its services and programs to better serve the evolving needs of Canadians. Read on to find out if you are receiving all the benefits to which you are entitled, and take advantage of an additional way of getting your tax information slips.
Source: Social Development Canada.

Putting Your Retirement House in Order
This site provides an overview of Canada's retirement income system. It gives you an idea of possible sources for your retirement income, so that you can get a head start in building a secure financial future.
Source: Social Development Canada

Registered Retirement Income Funds
If you are the carrier of a retirement income fund (RIF), this circular will help you administer the fund. It explains certain provisions of the Income Tax Act (the Act) and outlines the registration requirements of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA).
Source: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Retirement Abroad
This booklet provides information on important issues such as immigration and citizenship, taxation, health care and real estate for both permanent and seasonal international retirements.
Source: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

When You Retire (PDF Format)
This pamphlet explains the tax rules for common types of income you may receive after you retire and deductions and credits you can claim.This pamphlet explains the tax rules for common types of income you may receive after you retire and deductions and credits you can claim.
Source: Canada Revenue Agency

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 records