Legal Matters > Services for Seniors Guide
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 records

Family Law Services
This Web page discusses family legal issues for which legal aid services may be able to help you.
Source: Legal Aid Ontario

Finding a Legal Aid Office
Located in 48 communities across the province, legal aid area offices receive and process client applications and issue legal aid certificates to eligible people. Legal aid certificates allow clients to receive legal aid services from their lawyer of choice.
Source: Legal Aid Ontario

The Law Society of Upper Canada
The Law Society of Upper Canada is the self-governing body for lawyers in Ontario. To help the public, the Law Society offers public services such as the Lawyer Referral Service which matches individuals with local lawyers with the proper expertise, a directory of certified specialists and the Lawyers Fund for Client Compensation which helps clients who have lost money because of a lawyer's dishonesty. A member directory, with lawyer's contact information, is also available on-line.
Source: The Law Society of Upper Canada

Legal Aid Ontario
Legal Aid Ontario's mandate in the Legal Aid Services Act, 1998 is to "promote access to justice throughout Ontario for low-income individuals by means of providing consistently high quality legal aid services in a cost-effective and efficient manner."
Source: Legal Aid Ontario

Seniors Directory to Programs and Services
Directory to programs and services for seniors available in the province of Ontario.
Source: Government of Ontario. Ontario Seniors' Secretariat.

Seniors' Info
Seniors' Info has been created to provide ready access to information and services delivered by all levels of government and community-based agencies serving older adults. It is our pleasure to bring this first gateway to information and services to the citizens.
Source: Seniors' Info

Victim Services
An overview of victims services provided by the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.
Source: Government of Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General .

The Auto$mart Guide
The Auto$mart Guide provides helpful energy-efficiency tips on how to buy, drive and maintain you vehicule, save fuel and money, and help the environment.

Complaint Courier
The Complaint Courier is an interactive online system to help you express your complaint more effectively. The Complaint Courier will walk you through a range of options, from writing letters to making effective phone calls.
Source: Canadian Consumer Information Gateway

Cost of Banking Guide (FCAC)
The Cost of Banking Guide on-line tool is designed to help you find the best banking service package for you. It takes the information you provide and uses it to assess your banking needs. It then presents you with the banking service packages that will best meet these needs.
Source: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

Credit Splitting Upon Divorce or Separation, Canada Pension Plan
The Canada Pension Plan recognizes that in a legal marriage or common-law relationship, both spouses or common-law partners share in the building of their assets and entitlements. Among these are Canada Pension Plan pension credits. When a relationship ends, the Canada Pension Plan pension credits which the couple built up during the time they lived together can be divided equally between them. This division is called "credit splitting". 'Partner' refers to either same-sex or opposite-sex common-law partner, or the person to whom you are married.
Source: Social Development Canada

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)
The FCAC is a newly created agency working to protect and educate consumers in the area of financial services. We provide consumer information and oversee financial institutions to ensure that they comply with federal consumer protection measures.
Source: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

The One-Tonne Challenge
Take the One-Tonne challenge and reduce your personal greenhouse gaz emissions by 20 percent, or about one tonne. By using energy efficienctly and making wise consumer choices, we can all be part of the climate change solution.
Source: Natural Resources Canada

Showing 1 to 13 of 13 records