Seniors Networks > Seniors Associations
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 records

Canadian Senior Years
Canadian community and web portal with content of interest to seniors. Offers news, information, links, columns, email pals, memorial listings, games.
Source: Canadian Senior Years

Find a Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion
Use this search tool to find a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion near you.
Source: Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Provincial Command

L.I.F.E. Institute
In partnership with Ryerson University, L.I.F.E. Institute offers a wide range of courses and programs designed to provide an opportunity for self development and enrichment. Members of L.I.F.E. Institute not only enjoy courses, but also social and special events and a camaraderie in the mutual enjoyment of lifelong learning.
Source: L.I.F.E. Institute. Ryerson University.

The Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario
The Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario ensures that older adults in Ontario have opportunities and choices that lead to healthy, active lifestyles.

The Older Women's Network
The Older Women's Network is an advocacy organization in Ontario working within a feminist perspective which empowers older women to overcome injustices and inequities in the home, in the workplace and in the larger society.

Ontario Society (Coalition) of Senior Citizens' Organizations (OCSCO)
OCSCO's mission is to improve the quality of life for Ontario's seniors through offering education programs, policy and research, information, referral, counseling, research materials, outreach and support, self-help and vounteer programs.
Source: Ontario Society (Coalition) of Senior Citizens' Organizations.

The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command
The Ontario Command of The Royal Canadian Legion is comprised of over four hundred (400) branches throughout Ontario. Although our main focuses continue to be remembering those who gave their lives for freedom, and looking after the needs of veterans, their dependants, and those still serving in the Canadian Forces; Legions throughout Ontario Command are also contributing to the well being of our neighbours by sponsoring community programs.
Source: The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command (CARP, Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus) is a Canadian website providing unique content, community and commerce for people over the age of 50.
Source: Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)

Age of
Age of Reason strives to provide senior citizens with practical information relative to seniors lifestyles.

Army, Navy & Air Forces Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS)
The Army, Navy & Air Forces Veterans in Canada is the oldest veterans' association in Canada. This web site describes the history of the association, the organization and much more.
Source: Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada Association

Bluewater Association for Lifelong Learning
A group of enthusiastic over 55 individuals, who maintain an interest in lifelong learning. Our Goal: To offer relevant, accessible and meaningful learning opportunities for adults 55+ in both historical and contemporary subjects.
Source: Bluewater Association for Lifelong Learning

Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus
Today, more than 400,000 members support CARP's mandate to effectively promote the rights and quality of life of mature Canadians. A non-profit organization, CARP does not receive government operating funding in order to maintain its independence. CARP stands for Canadian Association of Retired Persons. However, the name no longer describes CARP's membership who are 50 years or older, retired or not.

Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART)
ACER-CART will be recognized by teachers, active and retired and member organizations, as a foremost organization from which sound advice can be obtained on issues related to retirement income, health and education of children.
Source: Canadian Association of Retired Teachers

Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association
The Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association site has information about the roll of honour, honours and awards, peacekeeping monuments, the national peacekeeping Veterans' organization, the Canadian peacekeeping service medal and also discussion groups, poems and stories from peacekeepers and much more.

Canadian Pensioners Concerned
Canadian Pensioners Concerned is a provincial and national membership-based, non-partisan, voluntary, advocacy organization of mature Canadians committed to preserving and enhancing a human-centred vision of life.
Source: Canadian Pensioners Concerned

The Royal Canadian Legion
The Royal Canadian Legion is Canada's largest Veterans "ex-service person" and community service organization with more than 480,000 members and 1,600 branches in Canada, USA and Germany. They provide services to Veterans, ex-service persons, seniors, youth and numerous community-based charities.
Source: The Royal Canadian Legion

Showing 1 to 16 of 16 records