Statistics and Research > Health
Showing 1 to 24 of 24 records

Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging
The Institute has a mandate to carry out research into the process of human development, life course and aging, population aging, and the aged, in the social, psychological and health sciences.

Ontario Lung Association
Committed to improving respiratory health, The Lung Association's Ontario web site provides information on lung health, fundraising initiatives, medical research, and its community health programs.
Source: Ontario Lung Association

At Risk: A Socio-economic Analysis of Health and Literacy Among Seniors (PDF Format)
This literature includes studies that have explored the link between the health of a population and such factors as income, education, occupation, marital status, family structure, urban or rural residency, gender, housing tenure, geographical location and immigration.

Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Institute of Aging
The report is divided according to the following priorities: Outstanding Research, Outstanding Researchers in Innovative Environments, Translating Heatlh Reserach into Practice, Effective Partnerships and Public Engagement, and Organization Excellence.
Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

C-Health: Your Health and Wellness Source - Senior's Health
This Web site provides health information: thousands of in-depth, physician-reviewed articles on drugs and conditions, as well as the latest health news, medical research and clinical trials to keep you updated on the latest treatments and diagnostic techniques.

Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging - Physical Activity Programs at the Centre
To develop, encourage and promote an active, healthy lifestyle for Canadian adults that will enhance the dignity of the aging process.
Source: Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging

The Canadian Institute for Health Information
The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, national, not-for-profit organization working to improve the health of Canadians and the health care system by providing quality, reliable and timely health information.
Source: The Canadian Institute for Health Information

Canadian Institutes of Health Research - CIHR
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is the major federal agency responsible for funding health research in Canada. It aims to excel in the creation of new health knowledge, and to translate that knowledge from the research setting into real world applications.
Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)
The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) is a large, national, long-term study that will follow approximately 50,000 Canadian men and women aged 40 and older for a period of at least 20 years.
Source: Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)

Caring for Elderly People at Home : the consequences to caregivers (PDF Format)
The emphaisis on home-based care is one important aspect of health services restructuring initiatives in Canada. The authors explore the potential impact of this devolution of services from institutions to the home.
Source: Canadian Medical Association Journal

Criminal Victimization and Fear of Crime among Canadian Seniors - No. 11
Statistical snapshot about Canadian seniors feelings of fear for their safety both at home and outside.
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada

Dare to Age Well! Collection
The Dare to Age Well! CD is a collection of 54 publications and over 100 photos presenting the many aspects of healthy aging in Canada. It contains publications from Health Canada, in particular from the Division of Aging and Seniors, and others resulting from Federal/Provincial/Territorial collaboration.
Source: Health Canada

Deaths in Canada due to smoking
Statistics from Health Canada.
Source: Health Canada

Drug Claims by Seniors
This analysis examines claims trends of seniors on public drug programs in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and New Brunswick from 2000 to 2006, with a focus on seniors who made claims for a drug from "the Beers list"?an internationally recognized list of drugs that are identified as "potentially inappropriate" to prescribe to seniors due to an elevated risk of adverse effects.
Source: Canadian Institute for Health Information

Introduction to the Government of Canada Official Web
Access information on Canada, its government, and federal programs and services organized into categories.
Source: Government of Canada, Canada Site

Life Expectancy, Health Expectancy, and the Life Cycle
The following extract from a paper by Hogan and Lise is part of the overall Health Canada series. It explores questions about health and retirement, a particularly important aspect of the broader population aging and life-course flexibility discussion. It looks at an issue sometimes couched in terms of whether, if we are now living so much longer, we should be working longer rather than retiring earlier.
Source: Government of Canada. Policy Research Initiative.

National Cancer Institute of Canada
The National Cancer Institute of Canada is moving forward to meet the challenges of controlling cancer. We provide funding across the full research spectrum from basic to clinical and behavioural research, including research into the causes of cancer and its prevention.
Source: National Cancer Institute of Canada

Patterns of Caring for People with Dementia in Canada
Statistical information on patterns of caring for people with dementia in Canada. Caregivers are defined as those looking after someone with dementia. These can be formal, paid caregivers or informal caregivers such as family members or friends.
Source: Alzheimer Society

Research House for the Environmentally Hypersensitive
Designed to demonstrate affordable ways of achieving clean-air housing, this home and its features are for people with respiratory problems and environmental hypersensitivities.
Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Services for Seniors Guide
Services for Seniors is a guide to more than 120 programs and services provided by the Government of Canada. It covers everything from income support to housing, health and safety issues
Source: Service Canada

Smoking and Heart Disease
This web page, created by Health Canada's Tobacco Control Programme, discusses the connection between tobacco use and the development of heart disease.
Source: Government of Canada. Health Canada. Tobacco Control Programme

Smoking and Strokes
This Web page, created by Health Canada's Tobacco Control Programme, discusses the connection between tobacco use and the occurance of strokes.
Source: Government of Canada. Health Canada. Tobacco Control Programme

Thyroid Foundation of Canada
The goals of the Thyroid Foundation of Canada are to promote awareness and education about thyroid disease and raise funds for much needed thyroid disease research. The Foundation is a non-profit registered volunteer organzation. The national office is in Kingston Ontario and there are 11 active chapters across Canada.
Source: Thyroid Foundation of Canada

What's New - Division of Aging and Seniors
The Division of Aging and Seniors, Public Health Agency of Canada, provides federal leadership on health issues related to aging and seniors.
Source: Division of Aging and Seniors

Showing 1 to 24 of 24 records