Aboriginal Services > Elder Councils and Associations
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 records

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Provincial and Territorial Information
This section contains information on Aboriginal Elders. Users will find categories such as Elder Councils and Gathering Places, Notable Elders, Health and Social Services, Justice and Rights and Traditional Knowledge. Furthermore, this section provides access to information which is specific to provinces and territories.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

The Assembly of First Nations
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada. The AFN represents all citizens regardless of age, gender or place of residence.
Source: The Assembly of First Nations

Chiefs of Ontario
This page will offer a map of Ontario First Nation Communities and links for complete information.
Source: Chiefs of Ontario

The G'Nadjiwon Ki Aboriginal Association
The G'Nadjiwon Ki Aboriginal Tourism Association will be a leader in promoting Aboriginal tourism; and will help Aboriginal people in the region to benefit from a unique and viable Aboriginal tourism industry which will be an economic cornerstone for Aboriginal communities and which presents, protects, and respects Aboriginal culture and preserves our Mother Earth.
Source: The G'Nadjiwon Ki Aboriginal Association

Grand Council of Treaty 3
Delivering programs and services to Anishinaabe citizens.
Source: The Government of the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders
This Web page provides Governement of Canada funded programs to help First Nations Seniors maintain their indepence and stay healthy and safe.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Elder Councils and Gathering Places
This subsection contains links to elder councils that allows elders voices to be heard. It also contains links to gathering places for elders to meet, socialize and hold ceremonial rituals.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Aboriginal Healing Foundation
Our mission is to encourage and support Aboriginal people in building and reinforcing sustainable healing processes that address the legacy of Physical Abuse and Sexual Abuse in the Residential School system, including intergenerational impacts.
Source: Aboriginal Healing Foundation

Kumik - Council of Elders
The purpose of the Council is to provide Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal employees with instruction and counsel in dealing with problems arising in the work place which have developed because of unfavourable attitudes and cultural differences. The Council is here to stimulate among all departmental employees a greater understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal culture, philosophy and practises.
Source: Government of Canada. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 records