Aboriginal Services > Health
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Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Provincial and Territorial Information
This section contains information on Aboriginal Elders. Users will find categories such as Elder Councils and Gathering Places, Notable Elders, Health and Social Services, Justice and Rights and Traditional Knowledge. Furthermore, this section provides access to information which is specific to provinces and territories.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Aboriginal Cancer Care
The Mission for the Aboriginal Cancer Care Unit is to lead the development of strategies that reduce the burden of cancer among Aboriginal peoples in Ontario, through knowledge development, education and partnership in the areas of prevention, screening and research.
Source: Cancer Care Ontario

Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy
The Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy (AHWS) supports a comprehensive approach to reducing family violence in First Nations and Aboriginal communities and improving the health of Aboriginal people who live on or off reserves. The strategy enables Aboriginal communities to address family violence and health service needs, through the integration of traditional Aboriginal teachings and mainstream health services and interventions.
Source: Government of Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services.

Canadian Aboriginal Aids Network
The Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network Inc. (CAAN) is a non-profit coalition of individuals and organizations which provides leadership, support, and advocacy for Aboriginal people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS, regardless of where they reside.
Source: Canadian Aboriginal Aids Network

Grand Council of Treaty 3
Delivering programs and services to Anishinaabe citizens.
Source: The Government of the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3

Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres
The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC) is a provincial Aboriginal organization representing the collective interests of twenty-seven member Friendship Centres located in towns and cities throughout the province. The OFIFC administers a number of programs which are delivered by local Friendship Centres.
Source: Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres

Seniors' Info
Seniors' Info has been created to provide ready access to information and services delivered by all levels of government and community-based agencies serving older adults. It is our pleasure to bring this first gateway to information and services to the citizens.
Source: Seniors' Info

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders
This Web page provides Governement of Canada funded programs to help First Nations Seniors maintain their indepence and stay healthy and safe.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Health and Social Services
This subsection contains links to health and social services specifically for elders. It contains links such as elder abuse, community care programs, nutrition services etc.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative
The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative is designed to provide a more comprehensive, collaborative and integrated approach to decreasing diabetes and its complications among Aboriginal peoples.
Source: Health Canada

Aboriginal Healing Foundation
Our mission is to encourage and support Aboriginal people in building and reinforcing sustainable healing processes that address the legacy of Physical Abuse and Sexual Abuse in the Residential School system, including intergenerational impacts.
Source: Aboriginal Healing Foundation

Aboriginal Peoples
The Canadian Health Network (CHN) is a national, bilingual Internet-based health information service. On this site you can find out about the health issues facing Canadians of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, status Indian, and non-status Indian background.
Source: Government of Canada. Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian Health Network.

Adult Care Program
The main objective of the Adult Care program is to assist First Nations people with functional limitations (because of age, health problems or disability), to maintain their independence.
Source: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

C-Health: Your Health and Wellness Source - Senior's Health
This Web site provides health information: thousands of in-depth, physician-reviewed articles on drugs and conditions, as well as the latest health news, medical research and clinical trials to keep you updated on the latest treatments and diagnostic techniques.
Source: chealth.canoe.ca

Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging - Physical Activity Programs at the Centre
To develop, encourage and promote an active, healthy lifestyle for Canadian adults that will enhance the dignity of the aging process.
Source: Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging

Canadian Institutes of Health Research - CIHR
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is the major federal agency responsible for funding health research in Canada. It aims to excel in the creation of new health knowledge, and to translate that knowledge from the research setting into real world applications.
Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
The primary goal of CAPonline is to provide you with information you are unlikely to find anywhere else about Aboriginal peoples across Canada who live in a non-reserve setting whether urban, rural or wilderness.
Source: Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

Diabetes Fact Sheet for Aboriginals - Living Well with Diabetes: Healthy Eating
This fact sheet offers information on living well with diabetes with the support of healthy eating, targeted towards the Aboriginal audience.
Source: Government of Canada. Health Canada. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch.

Diabetes Fact Sheet for Aboriginals - What are the risks?
This fact sheet offers information on the risks of developing Diabetes, targeted towards the Aboriginal audience.
Source: Government of Canada. Health Canada. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch.

Diabetes Fact Sheet for Aboriginals - What is Diabetes?
This fact sheet offers information on Diabetes, targeted towards the Aboriginal community.

First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
This site provides information about the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch. Including its mission, vision, mandate, priorities, an organizational chart and more.
Source: Health Canada

First Nations and Inuit Health Programs
Do you want to learn more about health programs that are available to Aboriginal people? Health Canada's First Nations and Inuit Health Programs Web site can guide you through useful information.
Source: Health Canada

First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care
The First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care Program will provide basic home and community care services that are: comprehensive culturally sensitive accessible effective equitable to that of other Canadians, and responsive to the unique health and social needs of First Nations and Inuit.
Source: Health Canada

First Nations Occupants' Guide to Mold
This pamphlet tells you: How to prevent mold from growing, How to find out if mold is growing in your house, and How to clean up small amounts of mold.
Source: Health Canada

First Nations Occupants' Guide to Mold (PDF Format)
This pamphlet tells you: How to prevent mold from growing, How to find out if mold is growing in your house, and How to clean up small amounts of mold.
Source: Health Canada

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