Aboriginal Services > Housing
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 records

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Provincial and Territorial Information
This section contains information on Aboriginal Elders. Users will find categories such as Elder Councils and Gathering Places, Notable Elders, Health and Social Services, Justice and Rights and Traditional Knowledge. Furthermore, this section provides access to information which is specific to provinces and territories.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Grand Council of Treaty 3
Delivering programs and services to Anishinaabe citizens.
Source: The Government of the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3

The Care Guide | Home
Welcome to The Care Guide, a free and comprehensive resource to help you make informed decisions about senior housing, care services and related matters for you or a loved one including retirement homes, assisted living, independent supportive living, long-term care, home care services, home support services, community support services and alzheimer care options in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.
Source: The Care Guide

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders
This Web page provides Governement of Canada funded programs to help First Nations Seniors maintain their indepence and stay healthy and safe.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

CMHC for Aboriginal
CMHC partners with Aboriginal peoples to increase capacity and meet housing demands through housing programs and innovative financing techniques.  It also provides research and information products on many housing issues.
Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
The primary goal of CAPonline is to provide you with information you are unlikely to find anywhere else about Aboriginal peoples across Canada who live in a non-reserve setting whether urban, rural or wilderness.
Source: Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

Eligibility Criteria for Grants Under the EnerGuide for Houses Retrofit Incentive
Learn which applicants and houses are eligible for grants under the EnerGuide for Houses Retrofit Incentive.
Source: Natural Resources Canada

First Nations Occupants' Guide to Mold (PDF Format)
This pamphlet tells you: How to prevent mold from growing, How to find out if mold is growing in your house, and How to clean up small amounts of mold.
Source: Health Canada

On Reserve Loan Insurance Program
Band Councils or Aboriginal persons may access CMHC insured financing for the construction, purchase or renovation of single-family homes or multiple residential rental properties.
Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

One-Tonne Challenge - Incentives and Rebates
Reduce your annual greenhouse gas emissions. Grants, rebates, discounts and other incentives available to help you use less energy, switch to renewable energy and produce less waste at home and on the road.
Source: Natural Resources Canada

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) for Conversion
Provides assistance to convert non-residential properties into affordable self-contained rental housing units or bed-units
Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) On-Reserve
Financial assistance for Band Councils and Band members to repair substandard homes to a minimum level of health and safety and to improve accessibility to housing for disabled persons.
Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Secondary/Garden Suite
To assist low-income seniors and adults with a disability by providing financial assistance to convert/develop existing residential properties that can accommodate a secondary self-contained unit.
Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Services for Seniors Guide
Services for Seniors is a guide to more than 120 programs and services provided by the Government of Canada. It covers everything from income support to housing, health and safety issues
Source: Service Canada

Showing 1 to 14 of 14 records