Aboriginal Services > Culture and Heritage
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 records

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Provincial and Territorial Information
This section contains information on Aboriginal Elders. Users will find categories such as Elder Councils and Gathering Places, Notable Elders, Health and Social Services, Justice and Rights and Traditional Knowledge. Furthermore, this section provides access to information which is specific to provinces and territories.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Chiefs of Ontario
This page will offer a map of Ontario First Nation Communities and links for complete information.
Source: Chiefs of Ontario

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Ontario Region
In general, INAC has primary, but not exclusive, responsibility for meeting the federal government's constitutional, treaty, political and legal responsibilities to First Nations, Inuit and Northerners.
Source: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ontario Region

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders
This Web page provides Governement of Canada funded programs to help First Nations Seniors maintain their indepence and stay healthy and safe.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Notable Elders
This subsection contains links to notable elders life stories and biographies which have influenced history.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

Aboriginal Canada Portal: Elders - Traditional Knowledge
The users will find in this subsection various links pertaining to traditional knowledge preached by elders on topics such as ritual/tribal customs, environment, family and education in which elders are the primary source of knowledge.
Source: Aboriginal Canada Portal

The Indian and Inuit Art Centres
The Exhibition/Acquisition Program provides established and emerging Aboriginal artists with an opportunity to exhibit and sell their works. Money from sales goes directly to the artists.
Source: Government of Canada. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 records