Veterans Services > Programs and Services
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 records

Find a Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion
Use this search tool to find a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion near you.
Source: Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Provincial Command

Aboriginal Outreach Project - Veterans Affairs Canada
Created by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), the Aboriginal Outreach Project develops new ways for the department to connect with Aboriginal communities, consults with stakeholders on Aboriginal issues, and increases awareness of VAC's programs and services among Aboriginal Veterans who may be eligible for them.
Source: Aboriginal Veterans Outreach

Assistance Fund - Veterans Affairs Canada
The Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to any recipient of the War Veterans Allowance (WVA) for an emergency or unexpected contingency that affects health or safety and for which there are no other resources available.
Source: Veterans Affairs Caanada

Programs - Veterans Affairs Canada
The New Veterans Charter gives CF Veterans and their families access to services and programs that are tailor-made for them. This builds on the services and benefits that are now in place to help traditional war service Veterans live with dignity and independence.
Source: Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 records